Maurice King Bio

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This is WilliamsMaurice1254's character. This is after the rating game

 This is after the rating game

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This is what he looks like

Race: full blooded, dragon king

Like: girls eating Raman, fighting strong people and animals,scared Ddraig, Albion,The
5 Dragon Kings Evil Dragons and Gremory
Family, The 4 Devil Kings because he king of all the dragons, Erakhan, Gigori, Heaven, People who respect women, People help others, People who give respect to others. Eating Meat

Dislikes: Kokobiel, Riser, Azazel's and Issei's Perverted Antics, Perverts, Seeing girls sad, People disrespecting king of all the dragons, Arrogant People, Ddraig and Albion fighting a lot and Great Red and Ophis fighting too, Stray Devils and Rouge Fallen Angels, Khaos Brigade,

Dislikes: Kokobiel, Riser, Azazel's and Issei's Perverted Antics, Perverts, Seeing girls sad, People disrespecting king of all the dragons, Arrogant People, Ddraig and Albion fighting a lot and Great Red and Ophis fighting too, Stray Devils and Ro...

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Bahamut gear

Balance, breaker, scale, mail

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Balance, breaker, scale, mail

Balance, breaker, scale, mail

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