The ORC VS Kokabiel

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Sona place is the barrier around the school with the help of her friends

Sona: we placed the barrier around the entire school if nothing drastic happens if you keep anything within it from keeping damage

Rias: thank you Sona this means so much

Sona: understand if there's only work the mission will remain the same

Rias: got it

Jason: hang in there, Sona will do our best

Sona: I believe in you, Jason

Suddenly Tsubaki teleports behind us

Isami: Tsubaki how's Irina

Tsubaki: her condition is not life-threatening she can think Asia for that

Jason: thank goodness you're the best Asia thank you

Asia: don't mention it

Isami: where's Xenovia I wonder if she's really coming

Sarah: have you heard from? Kira either

Jason: sadly, no

Isami: we haven't seen them at all I know she'll be here though

Koneko: Right

Sona: I'll keep the barrier up, but I won't keep the school from collapsing

Rias: I'm not going to let that happen

You put your arm around Rias

Jason: you mean we won't let that happen

Rias:😑 don't make this weird

Sona: Rias it's not too late you can still contact your brother

Rias: you know what I don't see you trying to contact your big sister

Jason: there's no need I already contacted him

Rias gets mad at you

Rias: Jason, what the hell we were handling this

Jason: look, I know how are when you get into these fights, but we shouldn't overestimate ourselves Kokabiel is a fallen angel leader. This won't be easy besides, we don't know what kind of tricks he has up his sleeve

Rias: out of the question you called my brother without even asking without my permission

Jason: Rias no offense I don't need permission from you

Sona: he got you there but with good reason Sirzechs loves you he know he would want you to assist us. There's no doubt he will come here soon as you called him

Sirzechs: you're right, I would've

You guys turn around to see  Sirzechs

Rias: I have it under control, big brother there's no need for you to come here

Sirzechs: oh, no, I will have my soldiers help you in battle. Thank you for contacting me Jason.

Rias sarcastically: yeah, thanks a lot Jason

Akeno: come on Rias don't be like that

She turns away from all of you, with her arms folded 

Akeno: she says right we should get full of ourselves here I understand you don't want to bother your brother when we absolutely must our enemy is a leader class fallen angel he is not someone you can take on your own I think there's qualifies to be a must

Rias: I don't care you think I can't do this on my own you think I will fail

Jason: that's not where we met Rias if this doesn't work out in this fight I have another plan of my sleeve

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