I Have a Friend/ major problems

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Thinking about the blonde girl Issei thoughts: oh yea that's what I'm talking about smoking hot chick, smoking hot–

You got issei out of his thoughts with a slap in the head

Issei: dude, do you really have to keep hitting me

Jason: I saw you looking at her

Issei: for what I wasn't doing anything you know that besides, I was going to help her up(he turns to the blonde girl) hey there are you all right?

???:yea i'm OK really

Jason thoughts: wow, so beautiful and yet she is worthy to be looked at no no what am I saying

Her scarf is flying away until issei caught it

Jason: so you new around here

???: well, no I've been in this town for most of my life

Issei gives the scarf back to the blonde girl

???: that was very sweet of you

Issei:Oh me it was nothing

Issei thoughts: so I gotta keep the conversation going

Issei: the weather sure is nice out here isn't it?

Jason:🤦🏽‍♂️ bro what

Issei: I just sounded like my grandmother

???: i'm sorry can you to help me I'm a little lost right now

Jason: oh yeah, sure

You guys started walking

Jason: it's nice out here and it's beautiful

Issei: yes, yes it is(turns to the blonde girl) so are you a tour guide?

???: oh, no, I was given a job to serve the church in this town

Jason thoughts: church something ain't right a few minutes ago thought of sharp pain in my right arm. That's weird

Issei: right that explains your uniform

???: I'm so glad I get to running too kind people like you to I guess I got both of you looking out for me

Issei: yea

Issei looks to see across on her chest then he turns away

???: is there something wrong?

Jason thoughts: finally, he noticed

Issei: oh, yeah, everything's all good

Issei: what the heck was that?

Suddenly the three of you heard crying from a distance the blonde girl went to check it out

Issei: hey wait

Jason: where is she going?

???: a big boy like you shouldn't cry over a scrape don't worry you're gonna be fine

She uses her powers to heal that little boy's leg


Issei: whoa she healed him

Issei then issei felt a sharp pain in his left arm then the blond girl stopped using her powers

Issei:(whispering to Jason) Jason, my left hand started freaking out. Do you think is the cost of her power?

Jason:(yes I noticed that too when I was near her my right hand did the same thing I think this is a warning

???: you see there's no reason for you to cry at all everything's fine(turns to both of you) all done now sorry

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