I'll Save my Friends and the love of my life

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You were in the Bathroom with Rias getting healed

Jason thoughts: this is what happened last time when I was killed but that was strange I felt a huge power within me, but it was intense. I'm still learning how to control my power every day

Rias: you're all set

Jason: thank you


Issei: goddamnit this hurts

Rias: you need to relax until you get your full strength back the light powered that priest used on you was strong you're lucky that your brother saved you and we showed up

Issei: a priest I'm not sure what that means

Kira: OK let me explain a ton of them got boots from the church and for the lack of options many became servants or fallen angels

Issei: wait a minute you can't be saying that Asia are in the same league as they are

Jason: yes, they are. It's hard to admit it, but it is what it is but given the circumstances I have a feeling that you're up to something and I have a suspicious that she's in danger

Issei: we had to save her

Jason: no, there's nothing we can do about it even if we can if we could do something about this she would be one of us

Rias: we're not seeing other than your a dummy and for what other reason she's the servant of the fallen one but Jason is right there's nothing we can do about it those are the facts.Issei

With  issei

Issei: I'm nothing but a big loser and I'm nothing but a stupid Pawn I can't save my friend or Pacheco, anyone or myself (he even has a flashback about what Asia Said) no to hell with all that I'll pump some iron, and then get jacked

Time skip to the park

Issei was at the park doing pull ups he tries to pull himself up, but he fell down

Issei: this is impossible Jason defeated that priest, and most of all I'm a sissy boy no I'm not going to give up and throw in the towel I got a safe Asia from the angel douche

Asia: issei is you

He turns around to see Asia

With you

You were driving to the woods so you can train but you bring Kalawarna and Viser you guys soon arrived at the woods

Kalawarna: can you explain why we're out here in the woods and track suits when Viser transforms all she gonna rip is her pants

Viser: hey, I never judge you when you have to do something but anyways, why are we here?

Jason: look, I felt a great power within me, but I have to unlock it. I have to do it my own way if we're going to. Save Asia and Raynare

Viser: I thought we're not going to save Asia:

Jason: that was a lie. If there are going to be a lot of fallen angels in enemy territory, we have to be prepared for anything if we're going to enemy territory without training experience, then we're dead and Rias told me that I had Crystal wings on my back

Kalawarna: if you do have Crystal wings, then maybe it's a part of the death bringer

Do you summon death bringer

Jason: then, what are we waiting for? Let's do this

With issei

Issei and Asia we're at the arcade hanging out together having fun Asia ran over to the claw machine

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