The trial of Rias and Akeno

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We See Rias and Akeno come back from a meeting with Sona and Tsubaki

Rias: thanks again Sona

Sona: anytime Rias

Akeno and Rias we're walking to Isami's house

Akeno: that was a long time so do you even think that the 10 Commandments will rise again?

Rias: The last thing I want is to think about them right now I can't put the whole stress on everyone the 10 Commandments were the strongest of the demon kings highest generals he lost everyone during the war because of them

Akeno: I hate to bring this up, but what if Isami is right?

Rias: what does that mean?

Akeno: I mean, Maurice is sometimes not there for us when we need him isn't it a bit strange that he might betray us

Rias: we don't know if Isami's theory is right I just don't know how he might be involved in this but if he has something to do with the 10 Commandments, there will be hell to pay

Xenovia Shows up

Xenovia: hello Akeno Rias what are you guys up to?

Rias: we just came back from a meeting. That's all.

Xenovia: so we've been taking down monsters lately while you guys were busy. Apologies if we didn't ask permission though.

Rias: I don't mind at all

Akeno: ?

You three were making your way to the house as you got there Erkahan was right in front of the door

Akeno: Lord Erkahan

All three of them bow to him

Xenovia: what are you doing here?

Erkahan: I'm only here for Rias and Akeno

Xenovia: I'll leave you three alone

Xenovia went inside the house

Akeno: what is this all about? Is there something wrong that we need to know about Jason?

Erkahan: this isn't about Jason. This is about you too

Rias: what about us?

Erkahan: the other day, you guys were grief Ing about my son, being in a cocoon, even though he took the bad news pretty hard I have to be honest the juggernaut drive has more forms than I thought

Rias and Akeno were shocked and scared, but Rias was mostly scared for Jason

Rias: you kept this from us, and you didn't tell us

Erkahan: one day, I told my son, he will master the power of annihilation my power more up to this explanation the juggernaut Drive that you guys saw was half complete when he was in the regular juggernaut drive he was fine but in the second and third form, his lifespan was draining because of it

Akeno: you need to promise us that Jason can't do this again when he wakes up, he can't use the juggernaut drive

Rias: it's for our sake, and for everyone else's sake

Erkahan: I can't promise that

Rias: why not? He's your son

Erkahan: I was in the same position as you guys are I was scared for my son, if he didn't make it But no matter how hard I try to push him away, he still kept coming back. He had the same powers as I do all the power came from me when he was born my son was always overpowered in his unique way I wanted to train him, but that was too late. When the war started, I put my son in a human room when he can use his powers when he grows up.

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