A Day with Rias/ a New ally/the return of an old villain 

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Unknown flashback

Issei: you ready for this?

Jason: follow my lead

You and  issei we're fighting Kari both you and issei punch Kari out the window

A few minutes later

Issei: sorry you're all out of chances Jason

Jason: Time to die

You threw a blast at  Kari ending her

End of Flashback

We see Kari in Bed waking up from a bad dream

Kari: Karsu Black Dragon Emperor, you pay for this I don't know how you achieve the balance breaker, but it won't happen again I will get revenge on you black dragon emperor soon you and all your friends will pay

With you and Rias

You guys were on a roller coaster at an amusement park Rias was enjoying herself on the ride, but you were terrified

Rias: that was awesome let's go again

Jason: let's not and say we did

Rias: having fun

Jason: yes let's enjoy our day while it last

She wraps her arms around you and then kisses you on the cheek

Rias: yes, let's do that 

Throughout the day, you guys were having a lot of fun  you guys went on some rides you and Rias went on some rides and then you guys played some games Rias win some of them but you were so confused. How was she winning but you did not pay attention to that

At night

You and  Rias were under the stars looking up at the sky. It was very beautiful outside they were lights on everywhere

Jason: it's very beautiful outside isn't it?

Rias: yeah, it's very beautiful you know I just I just wanted to say thank you

Jason: thanks for what

Rias: for saving me dummy

Jason: but Rias I didn't win the rating game

Erakhan: Jason, my son it's not always about winning in many competitions. We have to be a good sport about everything even at a lost there's no need to be a sore loser about it either

Rias: he's right about that not everything supposed to be about winning we kicked risers but and now I get to spend the day with you

Jason: yeah, you're right about that. I bet he's crying his eyes out right now.

Rias: probably

Just then you two were holding hands and then both of you were blushing, and then turned away from each other

Jason/Rias: hey, I just wanted to

Both of you started laughing

Jason: you go first

Rias: well sense were lovers I think it's best that we took responsibility.

Jason: responsibility, but we're not ready to have kids yet

Rias: not like that, I mean, take responsibility in our relationship, you know when I first saw you outside the window I thought you were special you were different out of everyone in the Peerage

Jason: yeah, I come from a strong family I uh fighting the golden dragon empress was no easy task

Rias: there was no lie there you created a giant, creator you too, are so powerful is like you guys were even evenly match but how strong are you?

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