Son of the dragon god/familiar forest 

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You were sleeping in your room that night, but then all you heard was thunder claps you woke up scared in your room but it really wasn't your room. You woke up similar to your house that you lived in

Jason: what's going on?

You got out from your bed you looked outside, but I was nothing but cloudy and thunder

Jason: I know this is weird, but this felt weird

Do you walk to the door of your room you opened it and you were outside

Jason: how do I get outside This makes no sense I was in my room

???: are you for real right now? We can't just send him away he's our son.

Jason: what's going on?

You walk to see where was those voices were coming from? You saw a man with black and red clothing and then there was a woman who wore white and blue

???: look we have no other choice besides, my household will be dead soon because of your sister Esdeath

Esdeath: let me remind you we are dragons we were born from different families. You are a death dragon I am a frost dragon, and someday you may not picture it, but she's going to come for me soon


Jason was shocked to hear this conversation but then the ground was starting to crack, and then you fell, and then you reach a cave and then you went in it

???: are you happy now your household has been killed. All of your members have been killed by the Golden Dragon empress one of these days you are going to get what's coming to you in my right Erakhan

Jason thoughts: I don't believe this the dragon of annihilation is my father what

Erakhan: shut your stupid mouth great red all you ever do is talk shit to me all the time you always act like you're right and you know what I'm sick of it. I may lost my son

Great red: lose him you don't know that your wife took him somewhere else in a strange town and you think you lost him when are you going to grow up?

Erakhan: don't push me

Jason: why is he fighting with that guy?

Great Red: you are always patient. I knew you would start the battle members of the ice tribe and the leader, Loki and the ice queen you lost her son because you start a fight that you can't finish

Erakhan: hey, this is not my fault. They challenged us to a rating game they attack my household because they're just mad that we did won

Great red: and this is why you'll never be stronger than me, brother you lost my nephew and it's all your fault you sorry excuse for a dragon

Erakhan: enough

Erakhan punched great red


Great red: how dare you touch the red dragon god emperor?

Erakhan: do you know what I think it's time to finish what we started long ago you always talking trash and you think you're always better than me I think it's time to prove you wrong

Both of them turned into dragons they started clashing, and then it was a bright light, and once the bright light disappeared you look to see that you were in a courthouse, but not

Jason: who are all these people why are they sitting there with cloaks on it makes no sense why is it so quiet in here what are they saying?

You you took a step closer, and the man was whispering the chant

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