a surprise sibling from the past/I pick a fight

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Everyone: who are you?

Issei: it's me issei it's really me

Kalawarna: yeah right what are you doing in our house?

Raynare: yeah, and why do you look like him?

Issei: I can explain

Jason: oh, really say something that the real issei

Issei: OK when we were little I ate your favorite cereal, Cap'n Crunch and then every day with me and my peeps, we were always spy on girls in the in the locker room

Mittelt: Yep that's him, but what happened to you?

Issei: let me explain because I woke up like this

In issei's sleep

Matsuda: Damn bro ain't no way

Motohama: this Hass to be some kind of mistake

Issei: what's wrong you guys? Why are you crying?

He looks down and he was wearing a suit and tie

Issei: what the what?

Matsuda: it's your wedding day

Motohama: I told myself I would cry this time

Issei: wedding

Mom: I want my grandchild to be a girl

Dad: must've you're like you've been an idiot We wouldn't imagine this day. I'm proud of you son.

Issei: mom, dad what's going on?

Jason: congratulations my brother. Today is your wedding day you deserve everything.

Issei: Jason

Rias: no more looking at girls issei

Issei: it's you

Girls: Rias's you are like so totes adorable, in that dress

Girls2: I can't believe you are mirroring that sickle twisted loser

Isssi: are they serious? I'm marrying her. When did all of this get decided if I'm marrying anyone I barely do worse but something else we're getting hitched that means we're gonna be making babies and I don't know what starts on the wedding night

Man: you may now kiss the bride

Issei: I get to kiss her

???: this is where your dream and little pervert

Issei: wait a minute, I heard the voice before

He turns around and sees a red giant eye

???: you have after all, I am inside of you, but most importantly, you are teaming up with my master

Issei: wait, what?

???: why do you must ask questions when you know the answer I've been speaking to you for a long time and yet you never answer back perhaps my voice never reached you, because you were too weak to hear me

Issei: you're not making any sense voice in my head

???: I wanted to say hello to my partner but I will fight alongside you for this moment forth

Issei: partner I still don't know who you are

Ddraig: quit being dramatic you know exactly who I am

Then issei's arm turn into a dragon's hand, and then he woke up from a bad dream

Back to the now

Jason: that doesn't explain why you look like that

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