Isami's breaking point

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Isami: damn you whoever you are

Koneko: I'm sorry

Isami: just hang on a little longer

Koneko: I just wanted I just wanted to serve Rias well

Isami: everything will be all right, Ok I will get you to Asia Sugarhill you up in no time

And then she starts to disappear

Grayfia speaker: one of Rias's Rooks has been retired

Isami: dammit how dare you kill? Koneko get down here and will see how you do against me.

Rias: calm down Isami well someone can no longer fight they get transported to appropriate location when they get treated for their injuries Koneko is not Dead you need to focus

Isami: but Rias

Yubelluna: it's time to give up the fight little boy, no matter how hard you struggle you want when you can't win

Suddenly Akeno appears in front of you

Akeno: well, this is exciting

Isami: Akeno

Akeno: Isami i'll take care of the trash you go on long ahead oh and don't worry I'll make sure she'll pay

Yubelluna: make me pay how exciting

Akeno: I'll be fine just go

Isami: whatever you say, just get home

She runs away

Yubelluna: I've been wanting to fight you for ages priestess of thunder

Akeno: I will have you the pleasure is all mine bomb queen

Grayfia speaker: three of risers  Rooks have been retired

Isami: Kira took out three Rooks that's crazy

Kira pulls Isami to her

Kira: Hey

Isami: you're OK wait, those three outs was that you

Kira: yea thanks to Akeno's barrier she made it pretty easier for me, so how's  Jason

Isami: funny, you should say that he's tearing it up out there and him and Raynare or tearing it up

With you and Raynare

Raynare: fallen spears

She summons a lot of light spears, throws it down at Nanami but she absorbs them  U2 were clashing again you guys were throwing punches and kicks at each other both of you guys were not holding back

Nanami: as if I let you hit me little girl

She blasted at Raynare but you got in front of her and smack the attack away

Nanami divine armor: come on, show me your real power show me what you can really do

Jason explosion: just remember, you asked for it

Raynare: flash daggers

She summons a bunch of daggers and sent them at Nanami you joined in on the fight, but you got blown away and then Raynare got punched in the stomach, real hard, sending her to the ground

Raynare: ahh

Nanami divine armor: I refuse to lose to the likes of you now die

Jason Explosion: no, you don't

You flew at her try to go for a punch, but she backhands you to a building, and then she blast the building with you in it, but nothing happens. You catch the blast with your hands that you threw it at Nanami but she absorbs all of the energy

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