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In the ORC

Everybody was quiet and no one said a word, but they couldn't help but still grieving over what happened to you But as for Isami she had questions for Maurice

Isami: I'm gonna need you to answer my question and answer it good. Where were you when we were all in trouble we could've needed you

Maurice: ....

Isami: so you're not going to answer me OK I see how it is

Kalawarna: I know you're upset Isami but we all are

NI: it's not just about us anymore. What about the potential threat of the 10 Commandments they could break out any moments

Shuriya: the 10 Commandments are not breaking out anytime soon they've been imprisoned by the supreme deity for years they're not getting out of their prison

Xenovia: so everything I believed it was a lie he was Dead and I didn't even know it I was such a fool fool I was yes I was

Kira: at least Kokabiel got what he deserved

Bülent: at least we're all safe we don't have to worry about anything anymore you know

Rias: at what cost

Suddenly Rias came in the room

Koneko: president

Akeno: any status updates on Jason?

Rias: he's the same as before. I blame myself for not doing much. I failed my team. I failed my brother. I failed all of you. I couldn't save Jason. I'm so weak.

Asia: that's not true Rias you bring us all together I mean we're stronger together

Rias: but you all seen how upset Sirzechs was he never slaps me like that even with the combined powers of the red and black dragon, Emperor it's still wasn't enough

Nel: so Rias what should we do now?

Rias:  ....

Akeno: OK everybody I think it's time that we should give Rias some space

Everybody left the room, except Akeno but Suddenly Sona and Tsubaki came in they walked up to Rias and hugged her, but Rias started crying

Isami: am I'm the only one that thinks that this is all Maurice's fault

Maurice: this isn't my fault I was busy

Isami: are you serious?

Maurice: just because me and Jason team up constantly that doesn't mean I'm on his team I will be there when I'm needed

Nanami: I'm sorry I couldn't be there either. I had to catch up with things with with mom and dad.

Isami: you don't deserve to talk to them not at all

Kira: can you not think about yourself right now this is about Jason

Isami: I'm not thinking about myself. I'm just angry and sad at the same time. I'm trying to hold it together but I just can't. 🥺

Siris: How's Raynare?

lle: this will be a great time for some good news right now

Yubelluna: unfortunately, nobody has heard from her ever since yesterday she's going through a lot even though that's her first love

Ravel: I am scared, and all about Jason's power, my life flash before my eyes I'm still shaking

Xenovia hugs Ravel suddenly Erkahan comes in the room and everyone bow to him

Mittelt: so how are you taking this?

Erkahan: I should've stopped this I should've stopped my son from going any further instead, I did nothing. What kind of father am I

Mira: we are all to blame. Honestly we could've done something we just frozen fear

Ddraig: my Lord, we are all taking this very very hard right now, but Jason is going to pull through. He'll make it.

Suddenly Maurice left

Bahamut: you're gonna have to tell them sooner or later

Maurice: face the wrath of your brother, not a chance

Bahamut: they are going to find out about your secret and once they will, we are all going to be judged Jason is in a cocoon state and are going to regret doing this

Maurice: I know but I miss her since the war she was taken away from me don't you know that I miss her every day, even though this is wrong, I just can't live without her

Bahamut: I miss her too, but this cannot go on either you tell them or I will

Maurice: give me a few days and I'll tell them

Bahamut: you're getting six that's all

Maurice: what type of shit am I getting myself into if I tell them right away, they won't forgive me  not only that Erkahan it's going to kill me for letting this happen not only that I will have the entire underworld on my case and because of this we're gonna have another war on our hands this is bad I just hope the others will forgive me one day



To be Continued

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