Knock knock who's there Death 

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With the fallen Asia lost her secret gear and her life. Thanks to Kari issei was in complete shocked, and so was you

Issei/Jason: Asia

Kari: yes, I've been waiting for this power for years and now it's mine and now they're at my mercy

She puts on the twilight healing

Kari: yes, yes I can feel the power pouring over me with this power. No one can stop me. All of those people who screwed me over I'm going to regret it

Issei: screw you

Jason: promotion to Queen

Girls: what 😳

You promote yourself to a queen and issei charges with anger

Servants: if you want to die, you're going to ask for it

Issei: I don't have time for this move it

Jason: this will help death dragon corruption

A poisonous fog comes in the room, and it destroys all the servants by killing them, who believe in it, except your comrades, because the attack doesn't work on your friends

Kari: no, this cannot be happening

Jason: oh, but it is happening

Kari: I still have my other minions forest monsters form

Tree monsters roast up from the ground and they charge that you and your friends

Kira: no, you don't

Kira slices them left and right Viser transforms

Viser: I will devour every last monster, I see before me

Koneko: was delivering hard and heavy strikes to these tree monsters but she was not holding back

Jason: come on issei let's go

Issei: right

you both run up the stairs for Asia but you knocked back all the enemies on the way up by protecting issei once you got up the stairs you strike at Kari

Jason: is a mistake to defy me

Kari: out of my face you Lowe born

Jason: I'll show you who's the low born

Issei gets Asia down from the chains

Issei: Asia it's me are you alright

Asia: issei you came but where's Jason

Issei: he's fighting Kari

Jason: death pulse

Your right hand was filled with energy you punched Kari in the stomach and then you knocked her back

Kari: no, damn at all

Jason: nobody mess with the woman I love

You then get Raynare down from the chains

Issei: is she OK?

You put your hand on her neck and you feel no pulse but you started to tear up

Jason:😭😭 she's gone

Asia: oh no

Issei: come and stay with me we're not out of this yet Jason pull yourself together and come on

Jason: right now

You and issei grabbed Asia and Raynare and got out of there but you were stopped by Kari

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