Not the juggernaut drive/who are the 10 Commandments

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Ddraig: boost, boost, boost, boost, boost

Erakhan: amplify, amplify, amplify amplify

Isami's thoughts: I'm almost done

Jason's thoughts: get him Rias

Erakhan/Ddraig: explosion

Isami: we're ready now are you?

Jason: let's go

Rias: absolutely

Isami: boosted gear, gift transfer

Jason: death bringer gift transfer

Ddraig/Erakhan: transfer

You and  Isami transfer both your powers to Rias she exploded. Her aura aura was ginormous. It was so ginormous that it hit the sky and she released all of it

Isami: oh, my goodness

Jason: just how strong is My Rias

Asia: she's amazing

Kira: I can feel the waves of power even from over here aura and power it's so giant

Kokabiel: yes, things are now getting interesting Yes what you got there is a Devil power to the highest Max you've been blessed by your big bad brother little girl

Rias summons to energy balls

Rias: in that case be gone

Rias put both energy balls together to perform an energy blast and then she was blasting right at Kokabiel

Kokabiel: oh, my I never expected this. This is way too much power than I predicted, but this is so much fun. I'm getting excited just by seeing it with my own two eyes this is the power that is almost match up to Sirzechs

Rias put more force into her attack at Kokabiel but she felt dizzy, and then she fell to the ground

Jason: Rias no

Isami: Rias are you OK?

Rias: go Akeno

Akeno flies up into the sky, and performs her most powerful attack

Akeno: now ring out thunder

She sends all of that thunder a towards Kokabiel but he blocks it by using his wings

Kokabiel: wow Ysm this is the power of Baraqiel daughter if that's so I'm very disappointed

Akeno: don't you dare say his name in my presence I am nothing like that creature

Isami: what's a Baraqiel

Jason: that feels very unpleasant

Xenovia: one of the fallen angel leaders she can use lightning and thunder so basically Akeno's power is

Jason: she's the daughter of a leader wow I did not see this coming

Kokabiel: say it isn't so why go this far to be a Devil what an amazing house Rias the red dragon emperor, and the black dragon and the golden dragon empress and risers former peerage and the three falling traitors who left to rot is in the possession of the red and black dragon emperors hands I ruined, holy sword project subject, and last, but not least Baraqiel's daughter

Everybody was shocked, but you were very angry not because of Akeno getting thrown under the bus because Kokabiel you're Girlfriends we're getting disrespected

Isami: are you for real? Akeno

Jason: you better watch it Kokabiel if you know what's good for you

Kokabiel: how terribly amusing so I guess keeping secrets does run in the family and your so-called pride. I'm not impressed in the slightest. and your so-called brother.Sirzechs she was so weak

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