The ORC Vs the 10 Commandments

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Meliodas: hello Maurice it's good to be back to be on your side

Maurice(assault mode): go to hell dragon shot

Maurice delivers a dragon shot

Meliodas: full counter

Meliodas delivers the Dragon shot right back at Maurice but Vila got in front of Maurice and kick the attack up into the sky

Vila B.B: not today

Suddenly soldiers from the underworld surrounded the 10 Commandments

Devil soldier1: you all are all under arrest (seize the king) Sirzechs what are you doing?

Sirzechs(Fraudrin): i'm only doing what I have to do. I'm doing this for the king of all demons.

back at Isami's House

Ile and Nel: this is the best day ever we're having fun

Everyone was having a pool party

Grayfia: a pool party why did I ever come here? If Jason were here what would he say?

Suddenly Akeno touches Grayfia from behind

Akeno: come on Miss downer we're having fun today's a fun day

Akeno jumps in the pool

Mira: today, should feel like this every day we get to do whatever we want in life if Mr Jason was here this will be a lot of fun for us

Li: a pool party sounds awesome. We need extra food for the occasion.

Koneko: whose idea was it to invite them?

Mittelt: they're wet me every time they do a cannonball

Kalawarna: relax guys it's not a bad idea to have a pool party. Besides, we all need a break and get our minds off of you know what

Rias was still sad

Isami: I miss him too Rias

Rias was looking at Isami

Rias: I wish he was here he would love this being at the pool with us. The water is just fine.

Nanami: it's so boring without him

Momo: nothing like a hot day to get a fresh clean tan. Isn't it guys?

Siris: you said it

Tsubasa: it's nice and hot out here. The temperature is just right.

Grayfia: you guys are getting way too relax but who am I to complain?

Sona: Rias it was nice of you to invite us. We all need a break once in a while, you actually did us a favor.

Rias: and what is that?

Sona: to get our mind off of everything we were stressing out over

Asia: Xenovia guys let's take a selfie

Girls: K

Asia taking selfie with the girls

Mihae: nice selfie Asia you really did good My good side

Karlamine: do you know what this selfie needs if I was holding a sword?

Sarah: dude, please don't we're at a pool we're not at a weapons convention

Kira was diving and swimming underwater

Sona: I hope nothing ruined this day

Suddenly Tsubaki was running to the pool

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