One Day time skip Kira's haunted past

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It was three days later from your vacation and everything was your normal yet Happy life except fighting monsters and stuff The girls were happy to see me except the part when I lost my virginity Raynare still blames herself for being weak at the rating game with riser but you will talk to her later Isami met a man name Azazel and Riser's peerage was getting used to living where you were and finally Kira was distracted lately her pass was starting to haunt her but she doesn't like talking about the past much because it bother her a lot

Time skip to at night

We see Kira with her sword in her hand fighting Freed

Freed: Time to die

Kira and Freed was starting to sword fight

Freed: did anyone tell you the heat it paste that you make we don't want our pretty little princess gets stuck that way luckily my Excalibur is hungry for your blood

Kira: that's enough Freed

Freed: now there's a ton of voice that I never hear come out of your mouth good job ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Kira: holy eraser

A bunch of black whips came out the sword and then tries to hit Freed's sword but it did nothing

Freed: that was cute you win some you lose some nice try kid

Kira: whatever is just a test I wanted to see if the sword was real so thank you for giving me the license to destroy the sword and you

Freed and Kira work clashing sword

Freed: that's the spirit get them tiger

Freed slashes Kira and she screams in pain

Freed: Aww someone forgot to warn you this holy sword despises devils

Kira: Shut up I'm not done yet

Kira: knock Freed to the ground

Freed: that's cheating

Kira: that's what Devils do

She swings her sort at Freed but he dodges

Freed: oh, yes, here we go

Suddenly a green magic circle appeared on Freed's face, but it was small

Freed: oh shit

Kira tries to hit Freed with his Sword but Freed Dodgers

Freed: I like TOUS fight some more but someone important is calling me. I had to cut this short. That's all folks.

Freed disappears

Timescape early in the morning

You were sleeping in your bed with Viser Kalawarna Mittelt Raynare Asia And Isami and Rias all of you woke up by the sound of Isami screaming

Raynare: Good morning Jason

Asia: did you sleep well

Jason: oh yes, I slept fantastic

Isami: Jason, why are you here?

Jason: this is my room I sleep in here

Mittelt: well here's the thing you passed out because we were asking you what do you want us to do?

Rias: well, we all used your body as a bed and a pillow as a sleeping arrangements but it was quite comfortable

Asia: very

Viser: I bet you didn't mind we slept on you did you

Tim: yup I didn't mind at all 😏 it was so so good

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