chapter 3 ; cant sleep ☆

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monday, march 26th, 2012

monday, march 26th, 2012

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(theres lowkey a long flashback mb i overwrite)

y/n always had trouble sleeping in new environments. places like hotels, inns, or unfamiliar houses made it difficult for her to get any sleep overnight. even when she stayed with her dad in miyagi, she didn't think she slept properly at all. there were times when she'd have to stay overnight in different places for things like school trips, volleyball games, or even photoshoots. trying to sleep anywhere else from home was absolute hell.

the only thing that really helped was being around her mom. she felt like an absolute child, not being able to fall asleep unless she was either at home or lying next to her mom. but now, of course, she doesn't have her mom with her to be her comfort. she has her dad, and this is her home now, in miyagi. she just had to get used to it.

and the first night was difficult, as she expected it to be. here she was now, dreading her awoken body at two in the morning. so, despite what articles tell you not to do when you're trying to fall asleep, she turned on her phone. any longer of her simply staring at the ceiling, and she'd probably have to catch the fastest plane to hyōgo.


kita definitely shouldn't be up right now. but something was bugging him. he just couldn't place a finger on what exactly. it was just a feeling, a feeling that he can't go to sleep yet. but why?

despite his unease, the world outside his bedroom was calm. at a still, even. so tonight, instead of being accompanied by the song of the wind chime, he only listened to the harmonies of the crickets.

as much as he wanted to text y/n earlier to check up on her, he figured things would be a bit hectic for her as she had just arrived in miyagi after all. she can reach out when she's ready, he thought. besides, he can't be missing her already...

kita mindlessly scrolled around his phone checking notifications until he made it to instagram. he watched a few stories, liked a few posts, then switched to the messages tab. nothing new, of course-


'active now', it read, next to the green dot alongside y/n's profile picture. kita wasn't surprised, but he also wasn't sure if he should be excited she was up at this hour, or concerned that she was up at this hour. why not both?

confirming his suspicions, and just to make sure insta wasn't glitching or something, he messaged her.


look up, manager ! ☆ // haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now