chapter 31 ; unexpected encounter ☆

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tuesday, june 5th, 2012

tuesday, june 5th, 2012

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it was lunchtime, and y/n was spending the period in her classroom with ennoshita and narita. as usual, they were waiting for kinoshita to pop in, him arriving a bit later due to being in a different class. hearing a knock at the door, their heads turned towards the noise to find said brunette standing there.

"y/n? kiyoko's outside for you, she wants to tell you something," kinoshita informed, before walking further into the classroom to sit with them. y/n hopped out of her chair to meet her fellow manager outside.

"what's up, kiyo?" she greeted, noticing the papers in the girl's hands. "what are all those papers?"

"oh, there you are. these are club applications. as you know, exam week is coming up. things might get a bit busier for us with our studies, especially you with your modeling... i was thinking it's a good time to look for a first-year manager."

"ah, right, i agree... any luck so far? let me know if you need help. give me some applications, i'll ask around as well."

kiyoko nodded, handing over half of the stack of club applications to the girl. "thank you, and no, not yet, i was just about to stop by the first year's floor. i'm alright on my own for now, you enjoy your lunch."

"mkay, good luck! ask the boys if they know anyone if you see them."

kiyoko nodded once again in response before walking away. y/n looked down, scrutinizing the applications in her hands as she walked back inside the classroom. she took her previous spot amongst ennoshita, kinoshita, and narita, placing the papers inside her bag.

"what was that about, y/n? manager business?" narita asked, looking up from the bento he was munching on.

"mhm, precisely. we're gonna start looking for a first-year manager, since kiyoko and i will probably be a bit busier before and during exam week."

ennoshita sighed, nudging the girl's shoulder. "alright, but can you guys look for a boy...? if there are three girl managers, tanaka and noya will get even more psycho..."

"not to mention the other teams, especially when we have a training camp next month... their jealous stares are intense enough as it is with two girls, think about how it'll be with three..." kinoshita trailed off, thinking about the future confrontations they might have to endure.

"sounds like a you problem. now, out of spite, i'm only going to be looking for girls."

"damn it."

look up, manager ! ☆ // haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now