chapter 19 ; flawless ☆

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saturday, may 12th, 2012

saturday, may 12th, 2012

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last night, everyone had fallen asleep pretty late. all the boys were still knocked out by the time y/n had woken up and finished her morning routine. peeking into the living room, she gazed at the four sprawled out across the couches. except hanamaki, who had most likely rolled off at some point during the night, dragging a blanket down with him. at least he made the floor look comfy.

y/n took the needed photos for blackmail, however, it wouldn't be that effective for a certain two. curse the pretty sleepers that were the captain and vice-captain. oikawa's bedhead was just the perfect amount of fluffy, and the soft light shining in through the gaps in the curtains hit iwaizumi's sleeping face just right.

with a quiet sigh, y/n turned around to the kitchen, opening the curtains to let the light in. the sun's morning rays hit her face as she leaned on the counter, eating some of the leftover cake from last night.

she scrolled mindlessly on her phone until she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist.

"cake for breakfast, huh? i do like your style..." oikawa spoke quietly, his sleepiness evident in the way he spoke.

"you scared me, kawa."

"oh, sorry," he squeezed her waist a little tighter and yawned, "i'm still tired." oikawa had just woken up, but heard something from the kitchen so he went to go investigate. his voice still had that sleepy tone to it as he talked with y/n.

"go back to bed then. it's still early morning."

"but i wanna hang out with youu," he quietly mumbled into the girl's neck, tilting his forehead down so it rested on her shoulder. his glasses slightly fell down the bridge of his nose.

"you can hang out with me when you wake up again."


"...brat. fine, just don't fall asleep on me." y/n's words were met with silence. "oikawa."

"i'm not, i'm not!" he answered while picking his head up. his hair brushed her neck, causing her skin to tingle.

"do you want coffee?"

"yes, please."

"kay, sit down." y/n walked out of oikawa's grasp to begin making the coffee, taking out multiple mugs in case the other boys woke up too. the brunette watched her every move with lidded eyes, resting his chin in the palms of his hands as he softly smiled.

look up, manager ! ☆ // haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now