chapter 11 ; hi hi, aoba johsai ☆

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tuesday, april 17th, 2012

tuesday, april 17th, 2012

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it was the day of the match set up between karasuno and aoba johsai. the karasuno volleyball team headed to their opponent's school by bus. y/n sat in the window seat next to kiyoko, watching the scenery blur by as the music in her headphones drowned out the rest of the world. the smell of oranges subtly spread through the interior of the bus, courtesy of a certain manager handing them out.

since y/n was sitting in the front, she was even more oblivious to the commotion happening all the way in the back. while others were losing their shit over a particular first-year's happy little accident, our second-year manager was on her third world tour in her head. realizing they arrived at their destination, she stood up and reconnected with the world as she pulled down her headphones.

there was something wrong, so cautiously, y/n turned around and well, almost threw up herself, lol. she eagerly hopped off the bus as soon as kiyoko did. 'everything is okay,' she affirmed with closed eyes.

she peeked behind her when she heard the voices of her team, thankfully there was no yuckiness in sight. not yet at least. "i'm going to the bathroom..." the poor boy mustered out.

"first the top, then the bottom! you're a busy guy!"

"ew, tanaka."

"EEK, sorry, y/n!"


now in the gym, y/n stood next to the rest of karasuno as she scanned the area. no clingy setter in sight, though. weird. her eyes instead met with ones she saw every day, and she discreetly stuck up a middle finger at her stepbrother. the middle blocker very quickly returned the gesture but then pointed at something next to the team that had just entered.

her mood instantly dropped as she remembered the thing haunting her since that cafe day. 'please no please no please no-' im sorry for this.


"kill me."

the team collectively looked at what tanaka was shouting about, causing even more shouts to echo throughout the gym. "woww, y/n, you're so cute...!"

"thank you, suga," the model sighed, walking through the crowd of her team to turn the cutout around so it couldn't be seen.

"cheering the other team on, huh?" tsukishima smirked at y/n, causing him to get karate-chopped in the head by her.

look up, manager ! ☆ // haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now