chapter 29 ; interhigh kisses ☆

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saturday, june 2nd, 2012

saturday, june 2nd, 2012

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the much-awaited interhigh preliminaries were today, held at the sendai city gymnasium. the karasuno boy's volleyball team was currently moving as a flock through the athlete-packed building, catching the attention and envy of many as they walked by in their matching jackets. some whispered to one another about the "delinquent" ace and the tall blond dude, while many eyed the attractive managers with them as well.

before any rando could even make an attempt at saying a mere hello to the girls, tanaka and nishinoya's guard modes were switched on, as if instinct. the two circled protectively around their managers before kiyoko bonked them on the head and walked away. tanaka followed her with a lovestruck grin, leaving nishinoya behind with y/n.

"c'mon, noya, let's catch up to them," y/n urged, grabbing the sleeve of nishinoya's jacket and dragging him ahead. he followed her with hearts in his eyes; she could be dragging him through mud and he'd still be happy. he stared at the gentle hand on his arm that was leading him through the crowd of athletes standing around the hall.

as the two made their way further into the crowd, y/n's hand started to slip away from nishinoya's sleeve due to the amount of other people trying to move about. once her hand fully lost its grip and let go, the libero caught it just in time without even thinking. at the sudden contact, y/n looked over her shoulder, down at their now interlocked hands, then looked back up at nishinoya's red face with a small smile.

letting out a quiet chuckle, she turned back forward and continued walking. nishinoya snapped out of his trance as he noticed y/n barely avoiding bumping into various tall boys who walked past. holding the girl's hand a bit tighter, nishinoya quickened his pace to take the lead instead. "it's crowded, isn't it?? just keep holding on to me, or i can carry you if you want, y/n!!"

"pff, as much as i find the offer tempting, i don't want to make all the other princesses in here jealous."

"what do you mean?? the only princess i see in here is you," nishinoya corrected matter-of-factly, looking back at the girl behind him with one of his signature grins. it didn't take them long before they regrouped with the others, who were standing in front of the entrance to the court.

after hinata mentioned something about the gym's smell or whatever, the sound of multiple approaching footsteps made their ears perk up. the footsteps belonged to around six players from another team, all dressed in a white tracksuit with dark teal accents. leading the group was a tall, white-haired individual with...

"no eyebrows, eh-?" y/n's whisper was immediately cut off by sugawara placing his hand over the girl's mouth.

"shush, or i'll get rid of yours." the vice-captain's face was gentle while he said that, but the way he spoke made the model concerned about the preservation of her eyebrows. in response, she just hummed and looked at the team in front of them. their sweaters read "date tech," a school known for its exceptional defense.

look up, manager ! ☆ // haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now