chapter 24 ; surprise! ☆

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friday, may 25th, 2012

friday, may 25th, 2012

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leaving her photoshoot at y/n & m/n's tokyo headquarters, the model tried her best not to get lost on her way to nekoma high. currently on the bus, she scrolled through all the photos on her phone captured from tendō's birthday, some of which she had no recollection of ever taking. as her fingers swiped to an image of a sleeping ushijima, actually, more like several images, she figured tendō must've taken her phone at some point.

the bus eventually halted to a stop, and y/n looked up to realize this was where she was supposed to hop off. she almost missed it, blaming her sleepiness from the busy week she'd had so far. despite her energy being slowly drained as the week went by, from school, practice, and her earlier photoshoot, she still really wanted to see her tokyo buddies.

that's why the busy girl was heading to their school now. it was still a school day, y/n just skipped because of having to travel to tokyo early in the morning. but, it was now after school time, and she figured that kuroo and kenma would have volleyball practice that day. and if not, then, oops.

yeah, the model never told them she was in tokyo. wanting to surprise the boys, she decided she'd just pull up to their practice with no warning. what could go wrongggg right

the building of nekoma high soon came into view, so y/n closed the tab on her phone that she was referencing for directions. entering the gates, not many students could be seen around. it was around late afternoon, almost evening, so it made sense that the majority of people had left. y/n had passed by a few departing students, making note of their pretty uniforms.

'oops, i should've asked where the gym was.' by the time y/n realized that she was just a tiny bit lost, no more students were in sight.

stopping in her tracks and squinting around for any sign of the gym, her eyes fortunately landed on a boy with dark, messy hair who was filling up a water bottle at a drinking fountain.

he was wearing a practice jersey, similar to the ones that the karasuno and inarizaki teams had worn for practice matches, so y/n thought he must be an athlete who knew where the gym was.

y/n started walking towards him, his green eyes connecting with hers as he noticed a new presence. standing up straight, he looked at her with interest as she greeted him.

"hello, do you mind showing me where the gym is?" she asked, tugging on the straps of her bag. "oh, and are they by any chance practicing volleyball in there?"

the boy subtly looked her up and down, then met her eyes once again. "oh, yes, and yes. i'm actually heading back there, so we can walk together," he softly smiled, twisting the cap back onto his bottle. he turned around and gestured for y/n to follow him.

look up, manager ! ☆ // haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now