chapter 26 ; u made him run? ☆

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friday, may 25th, 2012

friday, may 25th, 2012

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bokuto skipped over to y/n, whose back was turned towards him as she stared into a glass dessert case. he stood behind her, perching his chin on her shoulder while he followed her gaze.

"do you know what you want, n/n?? you can pick anything, it's my treat!"

y/n slightly turned her head towards his, their noses almost touching. bokuto's sparkly golden eyes stared into her e/c ones, reminding y/n of a puppy.

"ah, i can't pick though... it all looks good," she sighed, turning towards akaashi who found his way over to them. he followed bokuto's actions and placed his chin on y/n's other free shoulder. "oh, akaashi, what are you getting?"

"an iced americano. i let bokuto handle the desserts since he just gets everything anyway."

"yup!! so you can share with us if you want, n/n!" bokuto grinned at her, picking his chin up to stand straight again.

y/n agreed to share with the boys, so akaashi dragged her to a table by her sleeve while bokuto ordered whatever he was ordering for them. they waited in comfortable silence, y/n grinning to herself as she watched the young and frantic employee behind the counter trying to keep up with all of bokuto's requests.

akaashi, on the other hand, ignored the slight chaos happening by the counter, and chose to stare at the girl in front of him. he wanted to ask her many things, but surprisingly found himself at a loss for words. fortunately, y/n spoke first.

"what an energetic guy..." she remarked, a small smirk evident on her face as she watched bokuto excitedly gesture to the desserts he wanted.

"he is, isn't he," akaashi sighed while taking a glance at the captain. "makes sense that people are surprised when i tell them he's older than me. i guess i wouldn't be able to tell either."

"ah, wait, really? so you're a second year then?" y/n asked. akaashi nodded in response his black hair bouncing as he did so. "we're the same age then. when's your birthday?"

"it's... wait. guess."

y/n blinked, thinking for a second as she analyzed the boy's face, even though it didn't help her at all of course. akaashi chuckled at her attempt, finding it cute that she somehow thought she'd be able to tell just by peering at his facial features. but then, miraculously, the girl noticed a certain something hanging out of the boy's bag.

attached to a black, white, and gold lanyard that was poking out of a pocket, was akaashi's student id. displayed on the card was an id photo, a student id number, and most importantly, the birthday of the student.

look up, manager ! ☆ // haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now