chapter 7 ; welcome to karasuno ☆

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monday, april 9th, 2012

monday, april 9th, 2012

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today, y/n would finally be starting at karasuno high school. woo! she woke up quite early (not on purpose, she and sleep still had beef sometimes) to get ready for her first day. at the moment, she was about to leave. issei had already left for seijoh, and both dads were on their way to work.

after confirming she had all her things and that she looked cute, she grabbed her skateboard that rested against the wall and opened the door. stepping outside, she was met with a nice, refreshing breeze and a lovely blue sky. as she waved hello to her older neighbor watering their daisies, she popped on her headphones and made her way to school.

as she traveled, she hoped to see the friends she made at the convenience store. she also thought about the manager offer once again, they did seem serious about it, and it's not like she was fully opposed to the idea. in addition, she never really considered what extracurriculars she might've wanted to do. she told herself, "whatever, i'll just see what presents itself to me." and, well, she did get what she wanted.

along the way, she passed many other students making the same journey to the same school. eventually, she made it to the bottom of the hill that led up to karasuno and stopped her board before walking up it. reaching the top, she noticed this boy with a bike who stopped a few feet away from her. he had fluffy orange hair and sparkles in his eyes.

'must be a first year,' she mused as she walked inside, ignoring the stares she was getting. she landed on the fact that it was totally not because she was the main model for a nationwide company, and totally not because her face was showcased in many advertisements and promotions. definitely not-

"isn't she the cutout from that cafe?"

'tch. of course,' the cutout thought. she should've asked oikawa to take that one as well. after changing her shoes at her locker, y/n headed to her class, 2-4. now on the second floor, she made her way through the halls, when she recognized a familiar shaved head. "hey, tanaka!"

it wasn't tanaka.


the second year turned around with bright, sparkling eyes. "Y/N, HELLO!!" he beamed as he ran up to her. it seemed as though flower petals started fluttering around the dude.

'eh?? he knows her??' was the general thought of the surrounding students.

"i didn't know you were a second year," y/n remarked.

"yup, yup! class 2-1, what about you?"

"ahh, class 2-4! i'm heading there now."

look up, manager ! ☆ // haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now