Chapter 2: Scorpius

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It's strange to have time stopping all around you because of this one person who is just so special. Albus Severus Potter is just inches away from my face. And I mean it. His dark hair is almost touching the tip of my nose. And his bright green eyes are reflecting my grey ones which makes it just magical. My heartbeat echoes throughout my body. What is going on inside me? Why are my cheeks hot and burning? 

"We-we should probably..." I whisper. I jerk my head to the left to indicate the common room. My voice sounds stranger even to my own ears. It's rather peculiar, really. 

"Yeah. Yeah. Of course." Albus laughs and gets off of me. We stand up and walk side by side in silence, my heartbeat racing. It has been like this since the last three months. Whenever we touched, I felt this strange sort of a burning sensation that tickled my entire body and made me smile. Whenever we hugged I felt at ease and at home. Whenever I was with him, I overreacted to anything. It was like as if I was seeking for his attention. And these days, he seems more attractive. He seems more tangible and present in my life. I miss him when he's gone. I miss him when he's here with me. I talked to my dad about this that Christmas eve when he gave me two sweaters, for me and Albus.

"Hey dad?" I said, looking up from a cup of eggnog. Draco Malfoy and his son, sitting around together by a tall Christmas tree. Both holding a cup of eggnog, handmade by the infamous Draco Malfoy himself. It's a rare sight to see. 

"Yes, Scorpius?" Dad replied immediately. He failed to make eye contact with me. But I respect that.

"Dad, how would you react if I-er-have different feelings to Albus compared to any other person." I whispered into my cup. Dad looked up and into my eyes. 


"What if I like him as someone-someone more than..." I clenched my fists and shut my eyes. "...more than a friend..?" 

"So what, Scorpius?" Dad said. He stood up and walked over to me and plopped down on the ground next to my chair. "So what if you like Albus Potter as someone more than a friend? You can like whoever you want. I'll love you either way." 

I gasped. His voice. His tone. His eyes. Everything was warm in a way that comforted me like a warm blanket. His infinitesimal warmth was bigger in that moment. His words were genuine and came to me as a potent burst of confidence and bravery, 

"Dad-" I choked. I think I was crying. "Dad I think I like Albus. I think I love Albus." 

"Malfoy. MALFOY!"

Huh? Albus Potter is shaking me free from my Christmas confession. 

"Yeah? What's up?" 

"Okay, this is super embarrassing." Albus whispers "I forgot to pack my pajamas. Gah! I said it. It's super silly, I know." 

And I realize that I'm already smiling and laughing just from hearing his voice. Bloody hell, I really like him. 

"So can I borrow your pajamas? Please?" Albus jumps on his bed. I stand up and pull out my second pajamas. 

"Thank you!" Albus exclaims and starts changing right away. 

When I see him in my clothes, I can't hold back the sudden thumping in my heart. He looks handsome. He looks tall and sturdy. He's different from his old self. He's one thorough bred horse with his messy hair and broad shoulders. I wonder how I would look next to him. I wonder if we look good together. As more than friends. As more than best friends. 

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