Chapter 16: Albus

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The first triwizard tournament just happens to be someplace we need to get there by a portkey. How thrilling. I am not excited about James being in the tournament because of the high death toll. I can't lose him. And I know what he's like. He slid into the cracks and never emerged. After my time turner incident it's almost as if he disappeared under the name of Potter. He doesn't really joke around these days. He became calm. He does a lot of things in his room by himself.

The goblet of fire is wheeled in to the dining hall despite the fact that the participants are already chosen. I stare at its fire while chewing on my bacon. I seem to be dozing off, because Scorpius snaps his fingers.

"Hey. Hey are you alright?" He asks. His brows are furrowed. He hasn't touched any food.

"Good. You?"

"You know," Scorpius reaches for some toast. "Our lives has slipped out of place all of a sudden. There was no warning. And I'm scared. After that time turner incident, the Triwizard tournament is more like a broken history than a-um-festivity..?"

I laugh and put my arms around his shoulders. "Scorpius the unanxious, scared of a certain tournament?"

Scorpius laughs as if I'm a joke. He leans his head against mine and closes his eyes.

"Let's just stay like this until the tournament begins, huh?"


My eyes linger at James, who's not touching a single bite of breakfast. He looks beaten and nervous. But he's still staring at the Ravenclaw table. And I follow his gaze. I follow his lighter green eyes until its focus meets Season. She's sitting by the edge, surrounded by her friends. They're playing footsies, and Season is simultaneously writing in her notebook. James looks at her with some look of envy and respect and affection.

It's actually bloody scaring me.

"If everyone can quiet down, I shall announce the portkeys." McGonagall rises to the podium. The entire room shuts up in a quick hush of anticipation and excitement. "The victors will follow Professor Finnick to the courtyard for the yellow boot portkey."

Season and Via and Reagon snorts and kicks each other under the table. McGonagall doesn't notice and continues on. Honestly, the Yellow boot portkey is a bit funny. Scorpius is giggling too. I can't help but smile at the view of his grin.

"The Durumstrangs and Slytherins will follow Professor Egreth to the dungeons in order to attain the discarded plastic bottle portkey."

"Great. Time to get to the discarded plastic bottle portkey!" I whisper. Scorpius grabs my hand and we walk along with the bald headed, muscular and sculpture-like Durumstrang boys. They seem to be unfamiliar with a school so lit up with candles and firelight. They're probably used to the cold weather and the icy winds blowing through the windows. One of them sees a moving painting and draws out his wand.

"Woah woah woah. No need to attack the poor painting, son." Professor ----- chuckles and the Durumstrang blushes feverishly as if he never had someone call him son, or anything close to it.

Another student sees Scorpius touching my hair and flirting with me. He frowns. I frown back.

"Are you guys a couple?" He asks with a tentative voice. He seems disgusted at our behavior and I scowl unintentionally.

"So what if we are?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering-"

But in fear of any more words, Scorpius drags me to the front of the line. We walk hand in hand. The homophobia is true here. It's especially worse from Gryffindor and Slytherin. I should have fought back. I should have said something to that Durumstrang bloke. Before I can turn back, Professor Egreth holds up a discarded plastic bottle.

"Here it is, folks! Now come and stick a finger into this piece of shi-"

"PROFESSOR." Michelle Parkinson interrupts. Scorpius and I burst into laughter.

"Okay fine, just c'mon now and lets get this thing over with."

We all place a finger onto the bottle. I play with Scorpius's finger with my index finger. Tracing it and rubbing against it. Scorpius smiles into his scarf. 

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