Chapter 7: Albus Potter

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I stand leaning next to the dungeon lamp, my leg stretched out until it almost touches the place where I tripped and fell over Scorpius. Where I got this lovestruck zap that filled me up until I exploded with some sort of infatuation, as if Scorpius himself was a love potion. 

The green light from the dungeons danced into the corridor in a waver. I waited for Scorpius. I wanted to walk with him. Into the common room where I had set up a movie party. With Arthur Weasley as my grandfather, I have most recently acquired a television from the muggle world. I plan on  playing a horror movie. 

When Scorpius comes, I'm breathless. He looks gorgeous. His blonde hair is brushed into a neat look with little fringes sticking up by his forehead. His gray eyes reflect the world in a beautiful glow. His smile is surrounded in cherry red lips that gives little dimples below his mouth. 

"Hi!" I raise my eyebrows and exclaim, tucking my hands in my pockets.

"Hey." He says. He hugs me and I hug him back. We start walking into the dungeons. He smells of freshly picked apples. I let myself fall into his fragrance as we enter the common room. I plop down onto the couch and Scorpius sits down next to me. I turn on the television.

"What are we watching?" Scorp asks. 

"Something scary." I tell him. Scorpius nods as if it's a challenge for him to take. I turn it on, and we're both sucked into its world. Ominous music plays as gory and creepy scenes flash by. Scorpius is completely immersed into this horror world, and it's cute how he is so focused whenever he is in another world, whether it's books or movies or even spoken stories. Whenever someone's limb gets cut off, he scrunches up his nose and wrinkles his brows. He inhales and exhales whenever someone is safe, as if he had been holding in his breath this whole time. 

There's this scene where this child is trying to stop the military from shooting her infected mom, who's slowly turning into a grotesque zombie, twisting her arms in impossible angles and groaning. 

We're both crying, and when a bullet pierces the mother and the child's shoulders and their silhouettes collapse onto the ground in a splatter of blood, our hands both reach each other's. In a second, the zombies flood the entire courtyard but we're okay. We have each other, hand in hand. 

"Hey! Whatta you guys watching huh?" This bloody idiot, Theo Goyle sits down right between us and starts watching the movie. I groan and glance at Scorp. He looks exasperated. I sigh.

"We're just going off to bed. You can finish the movie yourself if you'd like." Scorpius tells Goyle. 

We head off to bed and click off the lights in silence. 

"Hey." Scorpius whispers from his bed. I turn over to face him. 


"Maybe," He says. I can hear his smile. "Maybe next time, we can do this alone, just the two of us." 

"Cool." I whisper back. "Have you decided on your type?" I hold my breath in hope.

"Yeah. They have all the charisma, a loving voice, a bursting sense of humor, utterly intense eyes, and a soft spot for family. Good night, Albus Potter." 

All the charisma

Loving voice

Bursting sense of humor

Utterly intense eyes

Soft spot for famaily

Albus. All the front letters spell Albus. That's my name. 

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