Chapter 19: Scorpius

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It was after dinner when we decided to take a walk to the once occupied Hagrid's hut. We were holding hands, and perambulating slowly through the tall grass and little white flowers that danced in the humid breeze. Albus's green eyes glittered with mischief as he tried to take my scarf multiple times. Right now, he's trying to pry it off me. 

"Malfoy! I'm cold." Albus whines as he shakes me from my shoulders. I just smirk and stand my ground. "Aw Scorp, if I get a cold, you can't hug me."

"Alright then, you can take it off. Then, we can cuddle." I tell him. Albus leans back and undoes my scarf. His fingers delicately unravels it and his fingers brush against my neck. I shiver slightly. It feels great. I smile to my self. Albus ties the scarf around his neck hastily, and I cannot help but laugh at its clumsiness. 

"Here. Lemme do it for you." I redo his scarf. Our faces are so close, I think my nose almost touches Albus's. Albus grins and blushes feverishly. I think I'm doing too. I link my arm with his and continue our walk down to the hut. It's usually empty, when Hagrid doesn't come around to see Buckbeak, and when Buckbeak doesn't come down from flying around the wizarding world of England. We make our way down and plop down on a wooden bench that one seventh year made. 

"I love this place." I whisper.

I look ahead and gaze upon the towering trees and mountains covered with a thin veil of fog, which swirls about idly. The little white flowers create a trail of nature, running up and down the hills as if they are alive. 

"I love you." Albus whispers back.

"I love you too."

We just sit there in silence, enjoying each other's presence. With Albus by my side, I feel invincible. Protected. Happy. Feelings that I would grasp on until I die. The feeling of first love. Albus suddenly stands up and scoots closer to me. He holds me close to his chest.

"Is this okay?" He asks. I nod and put my arm on his shoulder. He presses his forehead against mine and looks into my grey eyes with his own intense green ones. 

"You're really beautiful." Albus Potter whispers. I smile and put my hand on his cheek.

"You're really amazing." I tell him. We giggle. 

"You're perfect, you're beautiful, you're amazing, you're-you're Scorpius Malfoy and god I really want to kiss you right now."

I think I do the same. Without my head thinking, my heart tells me. 



continued next chapter 

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