Chapter 9: Albus

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Scorpius Malfoy just asked me out. 

I was so close to kissing him. 

I think I'm gay, dad. 

My quill stops writing. I scratch out my dad's name on the very top. I can't tell him. Not yet. I can't. I don't know what he would think of me. I don't know what James or Lily would think of me. I throw the letter into the fireplace and lean back to my chair and close my eyes. Suddenly, I feel two pairs of hands resting on my eyes. They are warm and soft. I smile. It's Scorpius. 

"Guess who?" The owner of the hands ask. I place my hands on the fingers that are on my eyes and trace each finger carefully. 

"My boyfriend, the bestest person in this bloody world." 

Scorpius takes his hand off my eyes and places his arms around my shoulders. I turn and plant a small kiss on his cheeks. He looks at me with a bright grin. 

"Oh so we kiss now?" Scorp asks with a small laugh. 

"Yeah. I guess we do." I stand up and Scorpius kiss my cheeks too. It feels electric. "Bloody hell, we should do this more often." 


We walk to the Quidditch field to watch the game between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. We sit down in the Slytherin section away from all the others so we can enjoy alone. Our fingers brush against each others and we eventually hold hands to keep from the cold. I trace Scorpius' fingers and palms with my thumb. Lines of his palms write a little "M" on his hand. His fingers are long and the skin along his middle fingers are course. The little imperfections are what makes me smile.

"Why are you smiling, Albus?" Scorpius asks, squeezing my hands. I laugh and bring my face closer to his. 

"I bloody love you, Scorp. That's why." I tell him. Scorpius grins and holds a little thumb up. I want to kiss his thumb. I want to kiss his knuckles and even the rock-hard skin. 

The match begins and Ravenclaw starts off with two goals. I hold his hand even more tighter whenever the crowd erupts in loud cheering and Scorpius jumps at the sudden loud noise. It's super cute that way. 

Suddenly, the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw chasers collide. Their broomsticks shake and whizz past each other's as if they are actually broken. The crowd gasps and looks up in awe and horror. The professors rise from their seats and stand in a ramified position of thought, to save or to calm the children, to prevent any uprisings and upturns or to prevent any injuries. Before they can choose, the broomsticks fall down one by one to the ground. The whole stadium is screaming and Scorpius is shuddering. His eyes are open wide and he watches in terror as people fall down screaming and waving their arms helplessly. I am terrified too. My entire body is frozen. 

When the Bludgers and the quaffle starts to whiz around on its own, I leap in front of Scorpius to protect him. I curve my body over him, so his head is completely away from harm. I can feel his face buried in my stomach as I squeeze his shoulders. I hear loud thuds, and the whole racket seems to be over. 

I remain in that pose, with Scorpius' arms wrapped around my waist, my body curved over him. Scorpius seems to be crying. I can't help but to feel his warm tears staining my robes. It's like acid burning through my clothes and skin. I bend down and hold his face with my two hands. They wrap around his chin and Scorpius sniffles. I smile a bit.

"C'mere." I whisper with a trembling voice and pull Scorpius into a hug. I don't know who or what messed with the Quidditch match but they made the love of my life cry. They're gonna regret their shit. 

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