Chapter 8: Scorpius

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When I wake up, the sun is already peaking its head through the curtains, and I walk towards the windows to open it wide. My fingers run along its green fabric and when they pull them wide, I am greeted with a bright ray of sunshine. I gasp and squint. 

"Bloody hell, Scorpius! Mind the sun!" Albus groggily mumbles in his sleep and pulls the covers up to his nose. I run over to his bed and pull away his blanket. He groans and turns away trying to get one second more of sleep.

"Rise and shine, Albus Potter!" I whisper into his ear, and Albus suddenly jumps up with a playful smile.

"Whatever you say, sir." He salutes and looks at me with those intense eyes again. I literally can't help but fall in love with its green hue. I nod with a grin and escort him to the showers. I had showered already last night before the movie. Honestly, it was super romantic. I can't wait to tell Season about it. I can already imagine her thumbs up. I wonder if she's had any movie dates with her lovers. 

"See you in the dining hall, Albus." I tell him with a little squeeze of his hand. Albus squeezes back. I smile and walk away with light feet and start a run towards to the Ravenclaw tower. 

Season is already leaning by the stairway with her girlfriend, who is whispering something into her ear. Season is giggling madly and when she spots me. She instantly pulls away and walks left to the ladies room. Season stands alone in confusion when I approach her. 

"So what's up?" She asks with a quiet voice. I take a deep breath. 

"First, we had a small movie date and we held hands for like, three minutes straight. Albus told me his type which sounds almost similar to me. I told him my type and secretly put his name between the lines and I think he found out. This morning he said 'whatever you say, sir," and we squeezed each other's hand once."

"Well might as well ask him out Scorpius." Season smiles. I nod furiously. 

"Yeah, might as well tell him I love him and-"

"No I'm serious, Scorpius Malfoy." Season stops smiling. She pulls out a ring. "Give this to him. I have two of these. You guys can wear these as couple rings or something. Be the first fucking gay couple in Hogwarts, Malfoy." It's the first time I've ever heard her swear before. But I don't care. I gasp an out of breath thank you and run away to the Slytherin showers to walk with Albus Potter. Albus comes out of the showers with his tie loosely tied around his neck. 

"Hey, your tie." I whisper and walk over to me. I bring my fingers to his tie and tie it properly around his neck. My face is centimeters away his face, and my nose almost brushes his. I stare directly into his green eyes and he stares back. He's smiling, and so am I.  When I finish, Albus's arms are draped around my shoulders and he immediately hugs me. So I hug him back. We embrace for like a few minutes until Rose Granger Weasley finds us. She looks incredibly flustered, and she looks at us as if she's seen a ghost. Maybe there was a ghost just behind us. But still, we pull away and run as fast as we can towards the dining hall with Rose standing there, gawking at us. 

"Have you never seen two boys with something going on between them, huh, Weasley?" Albus screams and laughs. We run hand in hand and plop down onto the dining hall chairs in Slytherin. It's my chance now. 

"Albus Severus Potter." I announce before Albus can reach for a toast. Albus turns and looks at me with solemn eyes.  

"Yes, Scorpius Malfoy?" As soon as he says my name a few of the Slytherin table looks over at us. The table seems a few volumes quieter. I don't care. 

"I have first met you on the train to Hogwarts and I thought you were the most special person I have ever seen. Your green eyes, your everything  was insanely beautiful. And I wanted to be your best friend. When I saw you with Delphini Diggory," as soon as I say 'Diggory,' the Hufflepuff table looks at us in silence. Even the teachers are bending over their seats to look at us. ", I couldn't help but to feel this jealousy. I wanted you all to myself. That's when I realized, I really like you, Albus Severus Potter. Albus Potter I fell in love with your green eyes, your humor, your voice, your kindness, your bravery, your intelligence, and your true self. I fell in love with who you are Albus Potter. And I would like to ask you, if you would like to be more than best friends? Would you like be my boyfriend?" 

I stand up and as soon as I do, Albus stands up and embraces me.

"Oh my god, Scorpius! I do! I love you, Scorpius Malfoy." He holds my head in his hands and laughs. His forehead lightly bumps against mine and I laugh too. We smile at each other. The whole room is silent. I pull out the rings that Season gave me and I hand one to Albus. We put the ring on to our each of our fingers. As a promise, because a circle never ends. 

The silence is broken with Season, standing up to erupt in a round of applause. Her eyes are glassy and tears are already streaming down her cheeks. 

"Bravo!" She exclaims in a quivering voice. Her mouth is smiling, and her American accent sounds ever so familiar to my ears. I don't know how I should thank her. Albus is crying too. I see that he is holding my hands. He squeezes mine three times and whispers in my ears:

"Three times is for I love you."

I squeeze his hand three times. 

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