Chapter 22: Albus

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It's a serious problem, these dreams.

I mean first, it's repetitive. 

Second, I'm dead serious it's the most gory hell I've seen. 

Third, I think it's related to my dad.  

When I started to get the dreams about "The house," I ignored them. They were sorted into some categories of nightmares that I would get frequently. I hated them, of course. They were scary. But I ignored them.

I stand in the shower, wrapped up in my robes, contemplating the dream I had. Water drips down my shoulder and all I can see is the messed up view of blood that once dripped down my head and shoulder in my dream. 

I dry hastily and walk towards The Great Hall. Scorpius is probably down-eating. I tuck in my green tie in my vest, nodding absentmindedly to classmates. I sit down at my table in the great hall. There's no sign of Scorpius. Season comes over, her hair bouncing on her shoulders.

"Hey, did you see Scorp?" I ask, my hands clamping and unclamping on my goblet. Season shakes her head. 

"No. I haven't seen him since yesterday." She says, her voice tired. 

"You seem tired." I ask. 

"No. I don't." Season's eyes are bloodshot. She leaves, her Ravenclaw cloak trailing behind her. She's not my greatest concern, sadly. My mind races with thoughts of Scorpius. He could be hurt. He could be dying. He could be dead. I spill my pumpkin juice on the floors. I get looks of disapproval that I shake off. 

And that is when the candlelights go out and the floors start to shake. 

The screaming starts right away. I duck under the table as plates and goblets start to fall off, shattering into a million pieces. 

"Students! Under the tables, now!" Headmaster McGonagall says. I can hear the urgency in her voice. I start to shiver. The fires have gone out. I clutch my robe tightly around my body, I edge closer to the doors. I scream as someone steps on my hand, their boots ripping through my skin, opening a small cut with droplets of blood dribbling from it. Pain pulses through my bones and I groan audibly. Scorpius. His name runs through my head. I need to find Scorpius. The shaking intensifies and the ceiling starts to produce dust which falls along with debris. I take a deep breath. The cold air stings my lungs and spreads to my organs, causing an uncomfortable feeling of fear and anticipation. I run. My feet kicks around shattered plates as I head to the door. I suck in air through my teeth as I open the heavy doors with my good hand. 

"What the hell?" I scream. I step back as I see a man holding a knife to Scorpius's pale and veiny neck. The blade presses against his jugular. I can't breathe. The man's face is completely concealed by a gas mask. I can barely make out his eyes: olive green. He drops the knife as I pull out my wand. 

"Code Silver, Code Silver, We have an exposed wand. Execute plan D-14. I repeat, execute plan D-14." The man mutters. Scorpius runs into my arms and pulls out his wand.

"Who are you?" I ask, my voice trembling with agitation. Cold sweat starts to pour down my forehead. The man ignores me.

"Save the blonde." He says. 



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