Chapter 24: Season

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The Ravenclaws gather around the books, trying to find an answer to this catastrophe. I flip through pages absentmindedly, the thoughts of Scorpius and Albus running through my head. I close the leather book and place it neatly. My eyes hover over to the clock. It reads 7:00 PM. Dinner had been canceled, as the great hall was being repaired. I duck out of sight and run hurriedly through stacks of books, sliding right out the door. The paintings are busy with people standing with their mouths moving, whispering into each other's ears. I am barely noticed when I duck into the Slytherin dungeons. 

Scorpius stands, leaning against the stone walls. 


"Hey," I whisper. His eyes are red and glassy. I know he has been crying. "What's going on?"

When Scorpius finishes explaining, he tears up. I hold him gently as he cries in my shoulder, his body shaking. He is nervous. He's scared.  He is just like the boy I used to know twelve years ago. The blonde boy holding out a packet of jelly beans, smiling, his two front teeth missing. First, it was his poor mother. Now Albus? I know how that feels. Images of Cody flashes in my head. I shiver. I pat in gently on the arm and try to assure him with an empty promise that "it is going to be alright." My mind rushes with thoughts that I can't hold down. How can muggles develop technology that penetrates Hogwart's borders? How did they figure out our location? Who are these men? When Scorpius thanks me for my consolation, I smile faintly and walk away. Scorpius shuts the dungeon door and I slump down to the ground. Confusion fills me. My heart starts pumping fast and I shake my hands subconsciously. Its my habit. 

"Oi there! You, right there, Ravenclaw! Stop!?"

I whip my head back to find the Slytherin prefect rushing over to me. Peter Zabini. Shit. I stumble and start to run. I pull my cloak over my head. If my face isn't recognized, I won't get in trouble. Then I can maintain my clean records and become head girl next year. I sprint, my feet barely making any sound. My feet gets tangled and I lose momentum as I fall to the ground.

Except, I don't.

I gasp for air and look at James Potter who holds a cloak over our heads. His index finger presses against his lips as he looks at me intensely with his green eyes. I gulp. I look away from his eyes and  try to focus on Peter who pulls out his wand. He whispers a curse and a blue light explodes from the wooden tip. Aparecium. The revealing charm. I let out a sigh of relief. It doesn't work on people. James suddenly grabs my shoulders and start to run towards the opposite direction. Our arms brush against each other's as we run as fast as we can to the 2nd floor girl's bathroom where I shove him off of me. 

"What are you doing?" I whisper, my hushed voice still angry. "Are you dumb? Are you not aware that Aparecium only works on people?" I sputter, my face flushed and as red as a tomato. The candlelight flickers and I sigh. 

"For real? I-I had no idea."

I roll my eyes and look at the clock. 3:00 AM. The Witching Hour. I lean back and sink down to the floor. It's too late to go back to the dorms. I'll either get caught or get lost. I have the worst sense of direction. James plops down next to me. 

"So. How are you?" He asks.

"Great. Thanks to you." I sigh. Fatigue comes over me and I succumb to its weight. My mind It is all your fault you are worthless, I can't...I can't

When I wake up, I am at the medical ward.

I had passed out right there in the halls. 

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