Chapter 26: Season

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I blink my eyes open, and James sits right by me, dark circles tracing down his face until they touch his colorless cheeks. He stares blankly into nothingness and I close my eyes again, waiting for him to leave. My hair is plastered on my neck. I fight the urge to push it back. In fact, I fight the urge to move. I tense up when I feel James's hand gently brushing the hair off my neck. 

"I know you're awake." He says. I sigh and open my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Why are you here?" I ask, sitting up. There is a sharp pain in the back of my neck. 

"I asked if you were okay."

"I'm fine, I get these dizzy spells a lot," I stand up. I need a shower. I hurriedly fasten my tie. The time is 6:31 PM. I must have been asleep for about a day. I also must have missed out on assignments and classwork. Dread fills me as a jolting pain erupts in my temples. I sigh and sit back down-my vision is clouding up with little black dots-with my fists clenched up. "How are you?"

"Well first, my brother is gone and I couldn't get any sleep because I had to sit by you. Second, the Triwizard tournament is tomorrow. Third, I stopped Scorpius from coming in."

"You didn't have to do that." I whisper. 

"What, the Scorpius thing?" James laughs shortly, and his face returns back to the sullen state. 

"No, you didn't have to sit by me the whole night. Go get some sleep." I stand back up and gather my stuff. "The tournament is tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah." James leans back in his chair, pushing his hair back. "It is."

"Wait, the tournament is tomorrow? When all of this is happening?" I say, a little too vehemently as a 1st year looks at me with round eyes. I ignore her. "That's-that's not efficient. No, that's just inhumane! A student was taken by who knows-"

"Listen," James stands up and holds my arms, keeping me from making any more animated movements. "It is to prevent any uprisings and questions. The ministry is going to look for Albus. Meanwhile, the Triwizard will distract us." 

"So they want to silence us?" I frown. 


"Fine with me, as long as they find Albus," I leave the Hospital Wing with my hair all matted and my shirt buttoned entirely wrong. "I'm going back. I need to catch up on assignments."

"Season, we don't have assignments." James leans against the doorframe, his eye whipping back and forth to the clock. I sigh. I am taking online classes. I want to pursue a real career. I want to become a lawyer. That's why I am taking the digital SATs this fall. 

"Goodbye, James Potter."


I walk down the hall, trying to melt into the walls. The stairs change right before me, and I hurriedly walk past the giant hole in the ceiling where Albus was taken. A shiver runs down my spine. I clutch my bag tighter and disappear through the door of the Ravenclaw common room. It is empty, and I let out a breath I did not know I was holding. I sink down into the couch and I unbutton my shirt, letting the cool breeze from the open window pelt my bare skin. The scars from the vase are fading, and I advert my gaze. They sicken me. I sicken myself. But it isn't myself that is important now, it is Albus. I need to find Albus. 

I recall the day when a Slytherin called me a Mudblood back when I was in the first year. It was on the Qudditch field, and a plump, pimply face of Season started to melt into teardrops. The sun was beating down on me, and I seemed to melt like a little snowman when the child eventually abandons him. Albus stood forward, flashing his green neck-tie and said "Shut up, you lot." And I pitied him for being in Slytherin. He should have been in Gryffindor. I never talked to him after that, nor did he even greet me. But after hearing about how special Albus is to Scorp, he has filled a small space in my heart as well. I stand up, flinching at the spasms of pain in the different parts of my body and head off to the shower, humming a song I've heard a long time ago. 

I strip my clothes and scratch one of my scars with my index finger as I turn on the scalding hot water. I wash slowly, working through my oily hair and running soap over my skin, dry and rough. When I towel myself dry, I fight the urge to jump back in the shower where the hot water comforts me. I put on a fresh pair of shorts and a sweatshirt with no bra underneath. I don't need it anyway. I head over to my bed and pull out a laptop I secretly sneaked in with permissions from Headmaster McGonagall. I open the mock exam I was doing earlier. I tap away, my mouth hanging open slightly and my eyes burning. I finish in an hour and a half and click on the score. My hands squeeze the computer tightly as I shake my leg subconsciously. 

Season, your score is: 1500. 

That puts me as the top 10% of all test takers. I let out a excited gasp and plop down, my head sinking into the soft Hogwarts pillow. A luxury I would have never endured back where I used to live. I can't bear call it home. Not when my room remains broken. Not when my mom is still lost. Not when I felt embarrassed that I didn't go on family vacations and I had to make up stories about my dad. 

Before I open up my lecture video, I pull out a pen and a piece of paper. I tap on my chin a couple of times, and I begin to write:

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

Hello, Mr. Malfoy. I hope you are doing well. I will cut the sentiment and skip to the facts, as you like it. Albus Severus Potter has gone missing-no kidnapped recently. I would like to formally request you to please help find him as you have heard, he is important to your son. Please help. I can't trust the Ministry quite yet, although Mrs. Granger is running it. Thank you.

Ps. Please give my owl some water. He is very sick.

Best regards,


I put it in an envelope and seal it with some wax. I stand up and kick on my sneakers and check the time. I can still go to the Owlery and back in time. I head over to the West Wing, avoiding any sort of conversation. I pause a bit when I see Scorpius in the great hall, eating alone. 

I push the glass doors of the Owlery open and find Mouse perched with the other Barn Owls. I give it some candy corn and attach the letter to his right leg. He squeaks stupidly and I send him flying to the Malfoy Manor. 

The darkness stretches across the sky with little stars dappling its canvas. In the distance is a sliver of the moon, illuminating wispy clouds lying right on top of it, moving lazily along with the idle wind. It is beautiful. But the beauty can wait. 

As I turn around, I bump into someone and I fall ever so feebly to the ground. I land with a soft thud and I rub my back, cussing under my breath. When I look up, I see James Potter with his hand outstretched.



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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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