Chapter 6: Scorpius

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Season tells me to talk to him more. She tells me to walk with him to classes every day, walk to dorms with him, but not make it so obsessive. She tells me to be myself around him. 

I can trust her. Season is my childhood friend. But I could barely consider her a friend. She lived next doors for just one year before she moved to America. We only met once a month when our parents joined for a cup of tea and the discussion of magic. Season and I would always run around in the manor, playing hide and seek and flying with little broomsticks until Draco Malfoy caught us by the tails of our brooms. When Season left, I didn't cry. I barely remembered her until she moved back next doors and into Hogwarts. 

Albus is sitting on the floor next to some statue, and I plop down next to him.

"Hi." I grin. Albus smirks. 

"Hey." He looks at me with his intense green eyes. 

"So..." I rub my hands together. "How's it going?"

"Pretty good. I think." Albus responds nonchalantly. 

"Hey, I swear, Season is just a friend." I blurt out. Albus raises one eyebrows and looks at me with a strange look. 

"Carry on." He leans back and taps his foot delicately on the floor. It's really attractive, for god's sake. 

"I have zero bloody feelings for Season, and you know it's true. I have good taste, and Season is not my type at all."

"So what is your type?" Albus leans towards me and scoots over until our heads are practically touching each other's. I'm flustered.  He smells like cedar wood and a bonfire gathering in midnight. He has a fragrance of mint. My heart is thumping. My type.. I like boys with green eyes that remind me of freshly mown grass early July.  Eyes with the depth of  the oceans that if I dare swim closer to the bottom, I'll  drown in its beautiful embrace of warmth. I like boys with humor and a pretty smile. I like boys who look good in borrowed pajamas. I like boys who has the name Albus Severus Potter. 

But all that comes out is a "I don't know." 

Albus just laughs and closes his eyes. His long eyelashes flutter down and he inhales.

"Well I like blondes with nice eyes. I like unanxious people." He whispers. 

"I'm unanxious." I stand up and hold my hand out. Albus takes it and pulls himself up.

"Lets see. Common room today. We're watching something together." He mumbles in my ear. I feel his breath tickling my eardrums and I almost jerk away. "Cmon! Let's get to potions class." 

Our new potions master, Professor Egreth plops a small cauldron on the central table. The cauldron is filled with a mother-of-pearl sheen, and there's a spiral of steam rising from the cauldron and into the air. Before I, or even anyone can properly examine it,  Professor Egreth closes the lid with a quiet thud. The entire class grumbles, and the potions master chuckles. 

"Who can identify this distinctive potion, hm?" 

As soon as she spits out the question, both Rose Granger Weasley and Season raises their hands. But I know too, and I raise my hands slightly, barely visible. However, Egreth's sharp eyes notices me.

"Ah! My Scorpius Malfoy, will you tell me this potion's name, hm?" 

"It's amortentia." I mutter. Egreth nods in approval.

"Right! Ten points to Slytherin. Now, can anyone tell me what this does? Miss Season?" 

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion existent. As the creator of  a strong sense of-er-infatuation from the drinker, the varying fragrance comes from what attracts us."

"Good job, girl, Fifteen points to Ravenclaw." Egreth claps her hands. "Now, would you two boys come forward and smell this?"

Egreth is looking at me and Albus who have started a standing game of footsies. We both stumble forward and inhale. 

"It smells like eggnog and apples, professor." Albus whispers, his face lit up in a violent red.

"It smells like-" I gulp. I can already feel my ears burning up in color. The entire class laughs at both of our red faces. Egreth motions me to continue. "like cedar wood and a bonfire gathering in midnight. He smells like fresh mint." 

The whole class is silent. I hear whispers coming from everywhere. "He? "Did he say he?" 

"ENOUGH!" Egreth screams, rapping her wand onto the table. "Thank you for your participating boys."

The whole day goes by in a blur, because I'm looking forward to get to the common room. To get to the common room with Albus Severus Potter. 

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