Chapter 23: Scorpius

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Two men grab me by my shoulder as I scream Albus's name at the top of my lungs. My throat aches as I scream. My chest moves up and down violently, and I feel a spasm of pain in my temples as I cry. Tears start to run down my cheeks. The masked man pulls out a small syringe and pushes the plunger, injecting an opaque solution into his neck. Albus drops to the ground and two more masked men appear from two holes in the ceiling, where ropes hang from what seems like a helicopter. I squint at the blinding light. They cuff his wrists and attach him to one of the ropes. 

"Drag us up, Callahan." The man who held the knife to my neck says. They disappear through the holes, the helicopter dragging their ropes up. I sob. The grasp on my shoulders is gone, but I feel a heavier weight on them. I slump to the ground. I breathe in a large amount of dust. My vision goes blurry and I collapse onto the ground. 

I feel like I've lost everything. My kingdom, my empire, my love. I hyperventilate, my breaths ragged and cut short. Today, before dawn, I woke up from a nightmare. I dreamt of my late mother. It scared me terribly, and I took a walk secretly through the corridors. Suddenly, two men grabbed me and gagged my mouth, cuffing my wrists with scratchy metal that ripped through my skin. I fought back, kicking their shins. I used my wand to break apart the cuffs, my fingers bending in painful angles to hold my wand correctly. I pulled out my gag and fought them with my wand. Then everything started the shake. The men laughed and ran. Immediately, another man came and pressed a knife to my neck. That's when Albus found me. Now I've lost him. I want to turn back time. Look at him for one last time. I bury my face in my hands. 

The doors open and Headmaster McGonagall comes rushing, her face contorted with fury and agitation. She kneels and checks on me. 

"Are you alright, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Yes." I wasn't. But what am I supposed to say? I compose my head and stand up. McGonagall lets me lean on her feeble shoulders. I gasp for breath. 

"What happened to Mr. Potter?"

"Albus?" I say, my eye twitching a bit. "Professor, they took him! They took him away. Do you see those holes on the ceiling? That's where they left. A helicopter-a-a helicopter took them away on ropes." I realize hot tears are streaming down my face again. 

"Calm down. There, there. Do you remember their faces? Or names. Any is fine."

"Callahan. One of them said Callahan." I gasp. McGonagall calls for the rest of the professors. Egreth, Longbottom, Adria, and Ceres all gather, wands drawn. McGonagall signals each of them to secure the doors and bring order to the students. They all nod and disperse into various parts of the school. McGonagall tells me to go to the great hall. 

The doors open and I am greeted by chaos and screaming. Plates are shattered on the ground. The candlelight has gone out, and the cold runs down my spine. Debris and dust cover the ground below upturned chairs. I feel nauseous as I find traces of blood on the ground. Students cower below the tables.

"Pupils!" Professor Egreth screams at the top of her lungs. Everyone stops screaming. Silence drowns the room in discomfort. I scratch my scarred wrists. "Get out from under the tables and stand in orderly lines based on your houses. SLYTHERIN! RAVENCLAW!"

Season looks at me with wide eyes as she gets pushed into a semi-orderly line. Egreth clears her throat and opens her mouth once more. Immediately, I am also pushed by knees and shoulders to a line that suffocates me, pressing against my back and stomach. The stench of sweat fills the room. 


When everyone is in order, Egreth whispers to the prefects who guide them out of the Great Hall to our dorms. I bump into Season on the way. 

"Season!" I whisper. Season looks at me. She looks distraught. Her eyes, up close, are extremely bloodshot and dark circles run down under her eyes.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" I ask with caution. Season flashes a dying smile.

"Nightmares." She responds. I nod.

"They took Albus, okay? Meet at the Slytherin Dungeon today 7:00 PM." That's the last thing I can muster out before another crowd pushes me forward. I stumble, looking back at Season's confused face. 

"Who?" She cries. "Who are they Scorp? Who are they?" 

I don't know.

Tears start coming. 

I don't fucking know. 

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