Chapter 4: Scorpius

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 I wake up with the cold air prying my eyes open. The clouds, dripping with light, wave at me. Concealed behind their fluff, the yawning sun peeks out. The sky is a dusty blue, antique and still. Fading by heaven's horizon, the blue softly blends with a light yellow and a passionate orange. The flaming colors blossom and twirl around under the light weight of the sky. The air smells of winter. A fresh fragrance of fresh snow. 

Next to me is Albus Severus Potter, still fast asleep. I don't know how he is next to me and why he is, but I don't care. I'm praying that the thumping of my heart wouldn't wake him up as I silently get out of bed. I pull the blankets up so Albus is safe and warm in my bed. I can't breathe. I'm holding in my breath as I try to make Albus as comfortable as possible. I quickly run towards the Slytherin bathroom with burning cheeks. 

What in the bloody world is happening?  What had happened? 

I scream inside my head and run as fast as possible into a shower stall. It feels like my entire body is burning with this tingly sensation. It's running through my veins and my nerves, and when it reaches my lips, I smile. I'm still smiling as I strip off my pajamas and get in the shower. I'm still smiling as I get out of the shower and put on my Slytherin uniform. 

Breakfast starts soon, and James' entire face is still thick with sleep when he sits down. He reaches over to the bacon and starts eating it lazily. I'm busy with my Scottish porridge when he hands me some chocolate frogs. I mumble a thank you and open one. 

"Sweet! I got Albus!" I exclaim, looking over my card. Albus Dumbledore looks at me with kind eyes and a sweet smile, and I smile back.

"Me?" Albus jerks his head up. 

"No, silly!" I laugh. I hand him my card and pop the chocolate in my mouth. "Albus Dumbledore!"

"Oh wait, you got a little chocolate on your lips there." Albus stands up and leans in my direction. He looks directly into my eyes with his green gaze. His thumb lightly wipes away a smudge of chocolate. Albus licks his fingers. "There."

I'm blushing. I know I am.

"Are you flustered, Malfoy?" Albus laughs. I nervously laugh along with him.

"What? No! I'm Scorpius Malfoy the unanxious." I give him the side eye. 

"Hm. Strange because you seemed very anxious this morning." Albus Severus Potter returns back to his bacon with a sly smile. I roll my eyes but turn around to hide the red in my cheeks. In less than a second, I am sneak-attacked by Season Borealis, Ravenclaw. 

"Hey Albus, mind if I steal Scorpius for a quick second?" She asks with her animated hands. She moves a lot when she talks. "You know I'm just his friend. You also know that I have a crush who's the same gender as me. You also know that I am bisexual."

Heads turn and every one looks at Season immediately after she mentions her sexuality. She rolls her eyes and swats her hands at a Slytherin boy who frowns. Albus sighs and nods. Before I can even say a word, I am getting dragged away by Season.

"Scorpius, I knew this day would come." She whispers. 

"What?" I shrug. Season rolls her dark eyes again and groans in frustration.

"I see this tension between you two. I see a romantic tension between you and Albus Potter." 

"Is my face red?" I look down at her feet. Season nods.

"Well obviously! It's also obvious you love Albus Potter. Just to let you know, I am perfectly eligible as a person you can confine your secrets with. Especially your secrets between you and your soulmate." Season bows like a gentleman. 

"I love Albus Potter." I whisper in her ear. I think my voice is shaking.

"I know." 

"What do I do?"

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