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Chuuya pov

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Chuuya pov

Chuuya was walking with Ron, Hermione and Harry (yes harry exists now, it will be important later) to Gryffyndor common room the four were planning on studying but chuuya had other plans, he studied of course his scores were a little higher that the average student

"Hey Chuuya are you planning on putting your name in the goblete like Hermione?"harry asked.

"Yeah, i probably wont get picked though" Chuuya replied closing, is bookcase and slinging it over his shoulder "Are you? You could have a decent chance of getting in"

"I dont know... Im not that physically strong and Im pretty average compared to the other students" Harry said blushing faintly and shrugging "plus I'm not even gonna put my name in,I'm too young remember?

"Oh yeah"

"Harry" Ron said "I need help on figuring out what's so average about surviving you know who" Ron pointed out ignore the last part of a sentence

"Yeah well.. We have a lot of home work we shouldget to it " he said. It was clear that harry didnt want all the attention on him, who this 'you-know-who' person is chuuya has no clue.

As the four kids walked up to the fat lady in the portrait Hermione said "pickle water" (A/N the author is very creative) and the portrait swung open.

Harry sighed as the put his books next to his favorite arm chair "We have to predict stuff that will happen withing the next month for everyday (not including the weekends)  for divination, we also have to remember stuff about trolls and on top of that we need to know how to turn a pin cushion into a cushion and" he paused, looking at the calendar "its only the second day"

"Im just going to make a bunch of stuff up for the divination like I always do" Ron chuckled 

"Sounds like fun, ill join" Harry said smiling

"Say, your really good in all classes yet you have only been here for two days, why?" Hermione asked "what kind of stuff did they teach at your old school? Was it more advanced than the stuff that they teach here?" Hermione asked,  a boarding the smaller with many questions

"dunno I just do my work and no, I think that the work here is actually harder" Chuuya replied wit a hint of proudness in his voice 

"OK well lets start making stuff up for divination, lets see on Wednesday ill fall down the stairs because mars... on Thursday I will get several burns because of Neptune (now that one makes sense because we have the blast ended scruits) uhm on Friday Ill drown because of  Venus" Ron said aloud, scribbling stuff down on his divination homework

"Yeah those are good, Ill make some stuff up too" Harry said also scribbling stuff down "-can I copy you for the drowning part?"

After a good 20 minuits of Harry, Ron and Chuuya making stuff up for divination and Hermione studying the troll thing the 4 finally finished phase 1 of their Home work.

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