Chapter 1

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Mink stared numbly at Visioner's still body. He looked so small, all of a sudden. He never was the largest dragon she'd seen, but right now, when death had claimed his soul, he looked scrawny and tiny, cold as ice.

"At least he'll be safe now." Tamarin broke the silence. Her scales were a muted gray, clouded over with a sad washed-out kind of blue. "He'll never need to be wary of anything anymore."

"We'll miss him," Anemone said ruefully. "I know I just met him, but he was nice."

Mink choked on a sob, and hugged Visioner tightly. I never got to confess to him. I'll never know what he thought of me. If only I hadn't let him go! Brightness would have been able to get out by herself, since she's an animus.

Warm wings covered her cold scales, and the IceWing looked up to see Brightness, comforting her and silently grieving for her dead brother. 

Mink, Brightness, Anemone, and Tamarin gathered around Visioner's body, and gradually, they all fell into a fitful sleep.

"WHERE HAVE YOU ALL GONE?" Tsunami roared. Mink stared at her feet, not answering. They had buried Visioner just a short flight away from Jade Mountain, where Brightness had enchanted beautiful white flowers besides his grave. They had flown in silence, grieving for their dead friend, but now, Mink realized how much they had to explain to Tsunami. The SeaWing was still in the healing center, recovering from the wound in her neck. Thick bandages were wrapped around her neck, and a hint of red was blooming at the side.

"We went to rescue Brightness," Tamarin offered quietly. Brightness entwined her tail with hers, and Anemone scowled. 

"Oh, yes, you did," Tsunami agreed, glaring at them all. "But didn't Clay tell you that we'd find out where the cave was, and we'd rescue her on our own? WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT FIVE DRAGONETS WHO SUDDENLY WENT MISSING?" She broke off, coughing.

"Wait a second- where's Visioner?" Sunny interrupted. Mink blinked back tears that threatened to fall.

"He died," Brightness explained simply. Sunny, Tsunami, Clay, and Starflight stared at her with wide eyes. 

"Oh, right," Anemone said. "She can talk now. Because she's an ani-"

Brightness twitched her claws, and Anemone instantly fell silent. Mink frowned. Did Brightness just cast a spell on Anemone? She shouldn't do that. But then again, she probably wants to keep her magic a secret.

"Oh, wow," Clay said. "That's cool." No one asked how the NightWing dragonet could suddenly talk. 

Maybe she enchanted them, Mink thought. She sneaked a look at Brightness, but she looked as emotionless as ever. Maybe I was mistaken. Maybe no one's curious. Maybe everyone just thinks she didn't like talking, and this is when she finally decides to talk in front of everyone.

But what if she did enchant them? 

What if she's losing her soul?

She looked at Brightness for a long time.

How many spells has she cast already?

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