Chapter 14

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Brightness hears the sound of Mink's scream from the art cave, and knew that the two bodies had been found. She felt calm. No one would know what- who, had killed them. She painted a thick black streak over the peaceful, kind-looking dragon she had painted.

Tamarin entered the cave, and Brightness quickly switched to a thinner brush, starting to paint the outline of a cruel smirk and dark, evil eyes. Somehow, she thought that it wouldn't be the best idea for Tamarin to find out she had killed two of the SeaWing princess, one who had been her best friend.

"Did you hear that?" Tamarin asked.

"Yes," Brightness replied.

"I'm going to see what happened." Tamarin's scales were a pale lime- fear, from what Brightness interpreted from the RainWings. RainWing scales were easy to read; they had the same colors as the feelings Brightness could see from other dragons.

Brightness trailed after Tamarin, leaving her painting in the back of the cave. She smelled fear, and wrinkled her snout; it had a sour, lemon taste to it that she didn't like.

Visioner, She thought to herself. The soft apple soothed her tongue.

They entered the cave Brightness had left the two SeaWings in. Blood was pooled on the cave floor, both of them horribly deformed. Mink and Visioner were in a corner, and Mink was hidden behind her wings, shaking and possibly crying.

Tamarin sniffed the air, and screamed. Brightness clamped her talons over her ears, shutting her eyes.

It was overwhelming. The scream rang in her ears, the thick, sickening smell of blood filled her nose, and everyone's fear, horror, and grief left an unpleasant taste in her mouth. Somewhere between the dead carcasses Destroyer brought back, and the sour taste of fear.

But a small smile wormed its way onto her face, and Brightness wiped it off.

The back of her mind made her want to cringe back at the disaster.

But a bigger portion of her mind whispered,

They'll never disturb me or Visioner again.

A Vision of Happiness: Recovery (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now