Chapter 3

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Visioner slowly opened his eyes. He was surrounded by darkness. He couldn't breath.

Where am I?

Something cold brushed against his arm, and Visioner shivered. He felt as if someone had poured RainWing venom over his entire body. 

He didn't like wherever he was. It was dark and cold.

And it smelled like dirt.

Visioner tried to move, but the air around him restricted him over any movement. He struggled, desperate to get free. He was running out of air, and he was cold and hurting all over.

Please...someone...please get me out of here.

Was this another one of Destroyer's tortures? If so, he couldn't remember.

Visioner flared open his wings, and at last, a blast of wind touched the tips of his wings. He opened them further, flapping them as if he was flying.

Flying...I wonder what that feels like?

A thick fog misted over his mind, and Visioner frowned. It doesn't matter, He thought. All I need is fresh air.

His wings were free. Visioner stretched out his uninjured arm, and felt the thing around him crumble.

I'm buried underground, He realized. Why would Destroyer do that? He's left me out for the monsters...I'm outside our cave.

Visioner gingerly sat up, wincing as his head throbbed. He blinked as moonlight shone into his eyes, and he stumbled out of the dirt.

His eyes landed on a bunch of white flowers growing besides where he had laid. Starspeckle, Visioner guessed. Did Destroyer think I was dead? Is that why he buried me? 

If he did...he actually cared about me. He let me rest in the earth.

He noticed a strange wooden device of sticks tied to his arm. Who would do that to me? Visioner thought. It's uncomfortable...another one of Destroyer's methods?

Visioner awkwardly shook off the support, and his arm immediately buckled, flaring with pain. He let out a raspy yelp, and tied the crutch back onto his arm. 

I don't remember getting such a serious injury...What is going on?

Visioner curled up on the ground, exhausted. He closed his eyes, and sleep soon took over.

A Vision of Happiness: Recovery (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now