Chapter 10

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Visioner trembled as they entered the mountain. A few dragonets walked past him, flashing surprised stares his way. He pulled his wings closer, nervously glancing around.

"We'll go to the healing center," Mink, the IceWing, decided. "That's where Tsunami will be. She's the Head of School," She explained, noticing the confused look on his face.

"I thought Tsunami was out by now." Anemone tilted her head. "Is she still recovering?"

The NightWing, who Visioner found out was called Brightness, nodded, her violet eyes flashing with some strange emotion. 

"I hope she's alright," Tamarin, the RainWing, murmured. "She must be in a lot of pain."

They made their way to the healing center, and Visioner saw two RainWings and a SkyWing wandering around the partly-empty cave.

A SeaWing with dark blue scales was on one of the beds, bandages wrapped around her neck. Her claws twitched as she slept, as if she was clawing someone very badly. Visioner shivered as he noticed a SandWing who's tail ended in a ragged tip, instead of the normal poisonous barb. 

"Penguin got released, at least," Anemone commented. "Hey, Tsunami!"

The dark blue SeaWing woke up.

"I'll rip your smug expression right off your ugly snout!" She growled. Tsunami blinked, looking around. "Oh, hi, Anemone. Wait- I thought Visioner was dead?"

"He isn't," Brightness replied. 

"Oh, good." Tsunami stared at Visioner. "But I thought you said that Destroyer scorched him."

Destroyer? Visioner gaped at her. Destroyer did this to me. He almost killed me.

"What are you waiting for?" Tsunami snapped, impatient. She let out a rasping cough, and Visioner noticed scarlet blood trickling down the side of her mouth. "You should get back to your winglet."

"Winglet?" Visioner echoed. A faint memory of a grumpy SandWing caught him off guard. 

"That's not it," Mink put in. "He's lost all his memories. Except the ones about his evil father."

"Destroyer isn't evil-" Visioner tried to explain, but Brightness cut him off with a snarl.

"He's terrible. He deserved to die." She glared at him. "You don't remember, but I do."

"Brightness-" Tamarin started, but Brightness stalked out of the cave, bristling. Tamarin gave them a helpless glance, and turned to rush after the NightWing. Visioner felt a flash of recognition, and he blinked, confused.

"Do I know her?" He asked Mink. 

"What happened to you?" Tsunami cut in. "I thought Brightness was your sister?"

"She is?" Visioner stared down at his talons. A headache had squirmed through his brain, and his wounds ached even more than before. 

"Of course!" Tsunami said. "You dragged her into the academy a few weeks ago, remember?"

"But- I don't-" Visioner broke off as a flash of pain made him tense. 

"Visioner?" Mink crouched down besides him. "Are you- oh, no..."

Visioner collapsed, and his muscles weren't working anymore. He stared into Mink's terrified eyes before letting darkness wash over his mind.

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