Chapter 15

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Visioner heard a scream. He glanced at Mink, who didn't look up, then turned to the entrance. Brightness and Tamarin were standing there. Tamarin had been the one to scream; Brightness had her talons clamped over her ears, her eyes closed tightly.

"What happened?" Tamarin asked, trembling. "I smell blood."

"It's Anemone and Tsunami," Mink reported, her voice thick with grief. "They're- they're dead."

Visioner took a step towards the bodies, and cringed back. The blood and glassy eyes were strangely familiar to him. A memory of five dragon bodies, bleeding and broken, passed through his mind.

"Anemone!" Tamarin ran right past him, crouching besides the SeaWing. "She can't be"

Brightness reached out hesitantly, and as if she decided against it, she stopped. She went to inspect Tsunami's body instead, brushing gash that killed her with her talons.

"Mink, Brightness, Visioner," Tamarin called. She'd looked up from Anemone's body. "Do you know anyone who might have killed them?"

Brightness shrugged. "They're both in line to the SeaWing throne," She pointed out. "So maybe a rival."

"Auklet," Mink breathed. She finally stood up, walking slowly towards them. "She's their sister."

"But we have no real evidence," Visioner said. "I don't- I don't want to blame anyone until we have more proof." He didn't know Auklet, but he didn't want to think of what would happen if she hadn't killed her two sisters, but was punished for the crime she didn't commit. 

"We need to tell the teachers first," Tamarin said softly. "They'll need to know."

She stood up, and Visioner noticed that she stumbled a bit. The blind RainWing walked around for a moment, then crashed into a wall.

Visioner winced; he guessed that she was too shocked to let her senses guide her to the entrance. Brightness was instantly by Tamarin's side, guiding her out of the cave. 

"Thanks," Visioner caught her murmur to the NightWing. 

Mink and Visioner lapsed into an awkward silence. It was Mink who broke it.

"Visioner," She started, hesitating. "Did you have a vision?"

Visioner stared at her, wondering what to do.

Secrets earn pain, His mind thought. If I don't tell her, I'll starve for one week.

"Yes," Visioner replied. "I can see the future." He tensed, preparing for an angry retort on not telling her when they had first met, in the cave where she, Brightness, Tamarin, and Anemone had found him.

To his surprise, she did nothing but nod. 

"That's a useful power," Mink said. "I was wondering how you knew that Anemone and Tsunami were..." She trailed off. 

At that moment, three dragons entered the cave. Visioner jumped. The teachers were finally here to see the body of their long-time friends.

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