Chapter 8

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"Visioner...?" Mink breathed. Brightness stared at her brother.

This can't be...Visioner's dead.

"Woah," Anemone said. "You're alive. Did we just bury someone alive?"

"What's happening?" Tamarin whispered in Brightness's ear. "I can scent Visioner, and everyone is saying he's alive."

"He's alive," Brightness confirmed. "I don't know how."

She turned back Visioner. Her brother was watching everyone with wide, terrified eyes, sidling closer to Destroyer's body. Horrible burns and long, twisting scars covered his body.

"Visioner! You're alive!" Mink rushed forward, tears threatening to fall. She tried to hug Visioner, but he took a step back. Brightness blinked. Wasn't he happy to see them?

"Who are you?" Visioner choked. "Why do you want me? I'm sorry for- for whatever I did."

Realization hit Brightness like a rock.

Visioner doesn't recognize us. He may not be dead, but he's dead to us.


Visioner could see hurt in the IceWing dragonet's eyes as he took a step away from her. 

"Visioner," The dark purple NightWing tried. "You don't remember us."

Visioner swallowed. Was he supposed to? His mind felt confused and foggy; all his past memories contained nothing but Destroyer and pain and Starspeckle whispering, don't tell your father, don't tell him anything.

His entire body ached and hurt, and when the IceWing reached out to brush her wing against his, he flinched away as where she touched him flared up with pain.

The RainWing, who had strange pale, blue eyes, gently held up his talon. "Come with us," She murmured. "We aren't dangerous."

"No," Visioner whispered. "No, I can't. I can't leave- I can't leave him."

"Destroyer is dead," The RainWing urged. Visioner stiffened. How did she know his father's name? "There's nothing you can do for him. We can bury him, and you can come with us. You'll be safe."

Safe? The only safe place was this cave, where Destroyer and Starspeckle kept him alive. Visioner shuddered as he heard the word buried. Would his father suffer the same pain as he had?

"No," Visioner said, more firmly. "I won't leave. Don't bury him."

The SeaWing, who had stayed in the back, growled in frustration. 

"You're coming whether you like it or not," She snapped. "Tsunami's going to be worried."

Visioner shrank back at her harsh tone. 

"Anemone!" The IceWing hissed, glaring at her. "It's his choice! Stop scaring him!"

The SeaWing, called Anemone, snorted, but went silent. 

"Come." The RainWing's voice was soft, pleading. "We miss you. Come back to Jade Mountain. There'll be food, water, sunlight, and you'll be happy."

Visioner hesitated. 

Should he go? Without Destroyer, he would never survive. 

"Please," The IceWing begged. "Come back, Visioner. We need you."  

After a long moment, Visioner nodded.

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