Chapter 18

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There were more dragons than Visioner had expected, but then again, their guardians would probably have come to see them off. 

To his surprise, Queen Glory and her bodyguard/mate, Deathbringer, was there, with a small, nervous-looking dragonet and an older, equally nervous but a lot more scary-looking dragon.

 The dragonet was purple and silver star-like scales that spotted her entire body, with dark blue eyes that flitted around nervously.

The other dragon was a variation of purple, turquoise, navy, and green, with stars on her underwings. Visioner noticed that she was missing a front leg, and bandages were wrapped around her body. She had a SandWing's tail-barb at the tip of her tail. She had a bright, piercing green gaze that swept across the surrounding dragons, sharp and analyzing, but she glanced nervously around every once in a while. 

"Why's Queen Glory and Deathbringer here?" Visioner asked Mink in a low voice. 

"The purple dragonet is Firefly, their daughter," Mink explained. "She's three, I think."

"I didn't know Queen Glory had a daughter," Visioner murmured. 

"Then you weren't paying attention in history," Mink teased. "It came out yesterday."

"I couldn't concentrate yesterday," Visioner explained. Mink fell silent; he was sure she knew why. He winced as his head throbbed. Another vision headache. 

Visioner resumed to look around. There was a SandWing who glared at everyone, an IceWing who was gaping at the mountain, and a SeaWing who had green scales and was beaming at everyone. 

"Jasmin!" Visioner turned to see Moon hurrying towards the bandaged dragon who stood besides Deathbringer. She paused from analyzing the crowd, and turned to the NightWing. She murmured something to Deathbringer, and Visioner tried to hear what she was saying. 

" I don't like this place. Too many dra-"

But before he could hear anything else, Visioner let out a small yelp as a sharp pain hit his head. He crumpled to the ground, clutching his head. 

"What's wrong?" Mink crouched besides him. "Another vision?" Visioner nodded, unable to speak. The world around him was already spinning into darkness. 

"Please," He whispered. "Empty cave." Mink nodded tensely, and started to slowly pull him away from the crowds.

Before he blacked out, Visioner spotted the strange dragon Moon had called to staring at him with an unreadable expression.

A Vision of Happiness: Recovery (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now