Chapter Twenty-Four

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2015 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Unedited, first draft

Chapter Twenty-Four

Week Seven


"Why do you assume you're going to let me down?" I inquired.

"Because I let everyone down, Cadence." He voiced as a fact, not as an opinion. "I know I've let my brother down and I've let my parents down with all the things I've put them through. I will do the same to you."

"You don't know that," I argued. "You are not a psychic, you don't know the future and what will happen. I'm not saying I believe I'm going to be the one person that you won't disappoint because I'm realistic. You can't just create the thought of 'here's what's going to happen in the future' and expect me to believe it. Sorry, but I refuse to ever believe you're going to disappoint me because you just told me you will." I took a breath and continued, "I will agree that you've disappointed me the moment your actions have."

"Believe what you want..."

"I will," I felt argumentative from the words he said. I thought about what he said though, it gave the indication that he cared about my perception of him. "I took you as the type of person who didn't care if he let people down or what they thought about him."

His dark eyes bore into me, "Contrary to popular belief, I do actually give a shit about what people think about me...what you think about me." He stood up abruptly, "Let's go. It's late and I need to get you home."

"I'm not fifteen, I don't have a curfew." I didn't want the night to end.

"I know," He replied and began walking to his car. Apparently the night was ending regardless of what I wanted. I had probably angered him with what I said, but I wasn't going to believe that he would disappoint me so easily. Does he even really know if he is a disappointment to his brother and his parents? Unless they outright said he was a disappointment, it could have been a manifestation of the depression.

The car ride was silent as we were both too deep in our own thoughts. When he pulled into my driveway and parked the car, I glanced at him. He didn't move, he continued to stare forward waiting for me to get out of the car.

"Whether you believe you will disappoint me or not, doesn't mean I will stop listening and not be there for you." I knew in my heart the type of person I was. I'm a caring individual and I don't want people to deal with issues alone. I will be there. I will lend an ear or I will sit in silence just so someone isn't alone. Sometimes, it needs to be said that someone cares and not inferred by actions. Demons inside will argue to the bitter end that no one cares. "I care." I stated simply and went inside my house.

I looked out the front window in the dining room and saw Griffin still in my driveway. Another minute had passed when he finally put the car in reverse and I saw his taillights drive up my street.


I barely slept. I wasn't sure why, but I was awake. I didn't feel tired, which was odd considering I was tired all the time. Walking downstairs at roughly eight in the morning, Riley happily greeted me. My mother looked fresh and bushy-eyed for the workday ahead of her as she drank her morning coffee. Her blue eyes widened in surprise at my appearance and she roughly swallowed the sip of coffee she took.

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