Chapter Thirty-One

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Unedited, first draft

Chapter Thirty-One

Week Nine


After my therapy session, I felt like I was in an upswing in regards to my depression. Sunshine did make me feel a little bit better. I was meeting Kirsten for dinner and the entire drive there I couldn't stop thinking about Griffin. It was so bad that I smacked my forehead and turned my music up loud. I had to force myself to sing to stop thinking about him.

When I pulled into the restaurant, I sighed in relief. Kirsten would take my mind off him. Then, I groaned. No, she wouldn't. She would ask me a ton of questions about him and it might make my feelings worse. I took a deep breath and walked in regardless. I could just tell her to not talk about him. She my best friend, she would understand.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Harley sitting across from Kirsten. Harley and I hadn't spoken since he told me he couldn't be a friend while Griffin was in my life. I didn't say a word, but sat down next to Kirsten. We greeted each other, but I didn't bother to greet Harley. Granted, I was still mad. He hadn't apologized and what kind of friend ends your friendship because one person is involved with someone else?

Harley's eyes were sad as he stared at me, but I kept my face stoic.

Kirsten looked back and forth between us. "Oh my God, Harley!" She kicked his leg under the table and he grunted in response. He glared at her. "Just fucking apologize. What you said was shitty anyways."

His expression softened as he turned back to me. "I'm sorry, Cay. What I said was terrible and I was not being a good friend. I don't want to leave for Europe on bad terms with you."

I thought about it. I didn't want to lose Harley as a friend, but I also needed him to accept the people that may or may not be in my life. He didn't get to decide that. "Can you accept me being friends with Griffin and talking about him?"

He glanced down, "I will admit I'm still not happy he's in your life, but..." he sighed, "our friendship, it means more to me. Yes, I will accept your friendship with him."

"Then I will accept your apology." I said.

He gave me a meek smile. "Thanks."

"Now that we got that tension out of the room, let's get some drinks and send Harley off the right way." A huge, devious smile fell across Kirsten's face.

About an hour later, we had several drinks in our system, but our bellies were also full from the delicious food of the restaurant.

"You know, I don't think you ever told us where you're going?" I asked.

"Europe." He blandly replied.

Kirsten took a lime from her Margarita and threw it at him. "Thank you, Captain Obvious, but where in Europe?"

Harley chuckled, "I'm going to London for two weeks and then to Frankfurt, Germany for the remaining two. I've never been to either so I have no idea what to expect. Thankfully, I'm going with a few other people I work with. One of whom is from Germany, so that helps a lot!"

"That's really awesome though. It's a great career opportunity." I informed him.

He nodded. "It is, I'm really excited to travel out of the United States for once."

The Story of Griffin HawkinsWhere stories live. Discover now