Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Week Two


            After the advice I gave to Patrick, it seemed to make him feel a lot better, which made me feel better that I had made someone happy. I hid a smirk by putting my hands to my lips and noticed Griffin’s dark eyes seemed to be lighter as he stared back at me with a smirk.

            Dr. Harris ended the group meeting not long after a few other people gave him words of advice. I gathered up my things and put my jacket on before dashing out of the meeting and into my car. I had a shift in a half an hour and knew I’d be cutting it close with the icy and slushy roads. I called up my manager to let him know I might be a few minutes late. He understood and just hoped I would make it there soon since we were understaffed due to the weather.

            As I looked in my rearview mirror, I thought I noticed a dark sedan following me, but then I realized no one would actually follow me. My thoughts traveled back to Patrick’s story, it was touching. I was surprised by his life and that actually made me feel even worse about mine. My life was nothing compared to his and it made me feel like I had no right to be depressed. I had both of my parents and I was never abused.

            I shook my light auburn hair as I pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot. I knew Dr. Harris would tell me, even though I didn’t have the life Patrick had, that my story was important too. I parked my car and hurried into the side door for my shift.

            “Hey, Victor,” I waved as I saw him near the to-go computer.

            He seemed to be staring angrily at the computer before he faced me and his expression brightened up. “Thank God you’re here, Cadence.” He said and I noticed his forehead was already sweating. Victor was a man who stressed out easily and considering he already had one heart attack, it was something we didn’t need.

            “Victor, where do you need me to start first?” I inquired ready to get down to business for the dinner rush. I immediately went to some tables and took some orders. Victor seemed to relax, but only a little.

            It wasn’t until around eleven at night that I heard his voice asking to be sat in my section. The restaurant had slowed down dramatically, but there were quite a few tables still hanging around. That made it easier to get my other work done.

            Our hostess sat him down and told him I’d be right over. I stared as Griffin began to look at the menu. He really was an attractive guy with his shaggy dirty blonde hair, but his eyes were just so dark.

            I trudged over to his table and took a seat on the edge on opposite of him of the booth. He looked up at me and had a glint in his eye I couldn’t decipher. All I knew was that a guy I found remotely attractive was sitting in front of me at work while I had hair sticking to my sweaty forehead, I probably smelled like food, and my feet were killing me.

            I raised my eyebrows at him. “What would you like to drink?” I asked sincerely and waited for his answer. It occurred to me that he was by himself this time and wondered why he would come in alone.

            “Water,” He stated and I got up to go get him some water. When I came back and placed the water in front of him he looked back at me. “Thanks,” He replied.

            “Are you ready to order?” I asked and he shook his hair about. “I’ll come back.” I told him and began to get up when he stopped me. “What?”

            “Stay,” he said and I looked around to see if my tables needing me. Coming to the conclusion that they didn’t, I sat back down.

            “What? Now you want to talk to me?” I accused and he chuckled with a smile—not a smirk. He had dimples in his cheek when he smiled and it gave me butterflies.

            “Yeah, I do.”


            “Do I need to have a reason?” He threw back.

            “Yes, because you ignored me the first time I tried to talk to you.” I retorted.

           “All right, fine,” He said and leaned back in the booth. “I think we’re more similar and I realized.

            “How are you just realizing anything about me? You know nothing about me.” I replied taken aback by his comment.

            “I know more than you think. I can see it in your facial expressions.” He said and I continued to stare at him waiting for him to continue. “You throw on this fake smile to customers, but I’ve seen your real one when you’re with that one girl.” Kirsten, my mind thought, I was always with her. “Anyways, you just always have this look in your eyes of just being truly unhappy.”

            I suddenly felt uncomfortable and exposed. I shifted in my seat and avoided eye contact with the guy who could see right through me. I glanced at my tables and saw a woman waving me over. I abruptly got up and walked over to her; thankful to get away from the naked feeling I had in front of Griffin.

            Unfortunately, I had a job to do and had to walk back over to Griffin’s table. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” He told me and I took another seat.

            “What would you like to order?” I inquired and ignored his question.

            “Cadence.” I was surprised he even knew my name.

            “What do you want to order, Griffin?” I asked again and he sighed.

            “I’ll get the boneless buffalo wings with ranch on the side.” He replied and I quickly wrote that down before getting up and placing his order.

            When I came back to the table to deliver his food, a lot of people had already left. My manager had told me once Griffin left I could go home, since there were still two other servers to take care of any late night tables. I sat down across from him as he began to eat. I didn’t know why I took that seat across from him, but he intrigued me so much I couldn’t help myself.

            “What do you want from me?” I questioned.

            He looked up at me, “I don’t want anything from you. I just think that maybe we can help each other out.”

            I scrunched up my eyebrows. “How?”

            “Well, I don’t know,” His cocky nature was gone and instead was an unsure, innocent boy. “Maybe you’re someone that I can actually count on.”

            I suppose he was right, it’s always helpful to know someone who’s basically in the same situation as I am. He has depression as well, maybe he is that person that I can call late at night when I’m having an episode. “Okay,” I stated.

            “Okay?” He asked as he took another bite.

            “I’ll give you a chance.”

The Story of Griffin HawkinsWhere stories live. Discover now