Chapter Twenty-Seven

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2015 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Unedited, first draft

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Week Seven


I didn't know the precise moment I became inebriated, all I knew was that I was inebriated. I could tell I was drunk. It was the drunk to where I could make terrible mistakes and still remember them in the morning. I was at a bar with Kirsten, Kim, and Griffin. Kirsten and Kim were on the dance floor, while Griffin and I sat at a table with numerous empty beer bottles and shot glasses.

My stomach muscles burned from the amount of laughter I had just done. My hand gripped a bottle; while my other covered my mouth in an attempt to not spit out the sip I had just taken.

"It was by far my most embarrassing moment." Griffin said while laughing. "I mean, why? Why did that have to happen to me?" His eyes sparkled with humor. "My cousins made fun of me for months after that."

I swallowed hard and hollered out, "I can't believe you ripped your pants."

He chuckled, "I was dancing! Those dress pants were way too small, but my mom insisted on those pants."

"At your Aunt's wedding," I let go of the bottle and held both hands to my stomach. My cheeks began to throb from being stretched for far in a smile. The picture I had in my head of Griffin dancing to Get Low was more hilarious than the story itself. Imagining him squat low to the song and rip his pants made me double over in laughter again.

"Therefore," He paused, "No, I will not dance with you to 'Get Low' because if I 'get low' I will rip my pants!"

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. "How old is that song anyways?" I asked him.

"I was twelve or thirteen, so 2002 to 2003?" He offered.

I slapped my hands to my cheeks and I dragged them down in exaggeration. "Has it really been like ten years since that song came out?"

"I know, right? Brings me back to grinding at the middle school dances." He laughed.

I smiled at the memories, "We were not grinding as much as we were doing line dances."

He took a sip of his beer, "Which reminds me..."

"Oh boy!" I interrupted and rolled my eyes with what he could possibly come up with.

"Just listen," He gave a small smile, but I could tell this conversation was turning more serious. "Tell me about college. Are you planning on going back?"

I sighed, "Eventually. College is a big deal in my family. They really want me to finish and have a degree." I shrugged.

"I think you can do it." He randomly stated, something I didn't expect from Griffin. Griffin was normally so pessimistic about his own life; it was shocking to hear him be positive about mine. "I can do anything you set your mind to. I believe that. Wholeheartedly. I think you're meant to do great things."

I laughed, "I highly doubt I'm meant for great things, but the vote of confidence is nice."

He stared me down, "You can do it. I believe you can do it." He paused. At that moment I really felt that Griffin believe in me. "As long as it's something you want." He took a sip. "Don't do it because your parents want you to. Do it because you want to."

The Story of Griffin HawkinsWhere stories live. Discover now