Chapter Twenty-Two

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2014 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Unedited, first draft

Chapter Twenty-Two

Week Six


            I had possibly made the biggest mistake I could make by sleeping with him. I couldn't believe it had gone that far, that fast. It was not my intention to go home with him and sleep with him. I thought back to the night before, how everything had played out and how I ended up in his bed, naked.

            It's no surprise to any of my friends that I liked to dance. A good song, and a little alcohol, could really get my body moving to the beat. When I was younger I used to take lessons and dance competitively, but the dancing I actually enjoyed the most was dancing in clubs. The songs were high beats and I was usually sweating by the end of the night, not that it was really a bad thing in my mind.

            That Friday night, I was feeling in a better mood. Was it the vitamins? Was it Griffin's addicting kiss the night before? Was it the alcohol in my system? Was I actually happy? I didn't know which it was, but I was in a good mood and Kirsten went with it. We went to the club and she had me doing numerous shots and mixed drinks. I couldn't tell you how many, but I was aware of the fact that I was indeed drunk.

            Due to my lack of inhibitions caused by the alcohol, I was dancing with Harley on the dance floor. I was grinding my body against his and at the time, I genuinely did not care, but there was someone else who did. And because of my lack of care is what had Harley being ripped away from me.

            I stumbled, but was straightened out to face Harley and he looked pissed. I peaked up at who was holding onto my waist to see a livid Griffin. 'Oh shit' was the only two words that crossed my mind. And it was repeated when I realized these two guys might possibly fight over me. They continued to glare at each other, but I stood still in front of Griffin.

            "Let go of her," Harley challenged.

            "No," Griffin held onto me firmly and I noticed Harley clench his fists in my drunken haze.

            "Let go of her before I beat the shit out of you," Harley retorted.

            I didn't hear it, but I felt him laugh. "I'd like to see you try." Griffin dared.

            "No!" I pulled from Griffin and stared at him with intensely furrowed eyebrows. "You're not going to fight him," I turned my attention to Harley, "And you're not going to fight him either. Quit acting like children, you're both grown men! Stop trying to fluff your feathers and act like you're about to fight over me! I'm not a prize to be handed to the winner!" I shouted annoyed at both of them and stomped off. "Unbelievable!" I yelled at no one.

            I practically ran out the back to the smoker's section and plopped down in a plastic lawn chair. I put my head in my heads and tried to breathe to let the frustration go. I wasn't dating either of them. I knew I was a crappy person for dancing with Harley to begin with, but that didn't give Griffin the right to try and fight with Harley over it.

            A person dragged a chair over in front of me and took a seat. I looked up at Griffin, "I'm sorry."

            "You should be," I said rudely, "You have no right to act like that. We are not dating." I pointed out.

            "I know...and that was stupid of me." He sighed and ran his hands through his blonde hair. "It's...hard."

            "What do you mean?"

            "It's hard to act like Harley touching you doesn't kill me."

            "Why does it kill you?" I had this tendency with guys to force them to admit how they felt about me. They hated that I did it, but it worked in my favor because I got guys to admit they liked me before I admitted it to them.

            "Because I want you so fucking every way."

            "In every way?" I ushered for him to continue and he rolled his eyes.

            "Yes, in every way." I knew he wasn't going to elaborate any more than that.

            "Then what's stopping you?" I challenged.

            "Everything I am..." He paused, "I'm not worth it."

            I frowned, "Yes, you are."

            Next thing I knew, I was telling Kirsten I was leaving with Griffin. Things heated up very quickly and we tore our clothes off in his house. And that was how I woke up the next morning in Griffin's bed naked like a newborn baby.

            Griffin laid next to me on his stomach and facing away from me, which was good since I was pretty much panicking. Was this a one night stand? Do I stay for another round or do I leave? I'd never really been in this type of situation before and it was quite terrifying.

            I was sitting up an abnormal amount of time and Griffin rolled over to face me. "Morning," He whispered with a sly grin on his face. I had to admit that Griffin had a nice chest. When I just stared at him without saying anything, numerous questions racing through my mind. "Don't overthink it." He told me and pulled me back down to face him. He pulled the blue sheet over our heads to put ourselves in our own world.

            "How can anyone not overthink this?" I asked. He traced the worry lines in my forehead before he kissed my lips.

            "There's nothing to think about." I frowned and he scooted closer to me.

            "You said you wanted me in every way, what did you mean by that?" I asked before he could tell me anything else.

            "I meant it in exactly the way you probably took it."

            "So, not just sex."

            "Not just sex, though I have to say that was the best I've ever had." He chuckled.

            "It tends to be better when you have feelings for the person you're sleeping with, you know that right?" I asked him.

            "No, but that's explains it." He commented with his eyes closed.

            "You have feelings for me?"

            "Yeah," He whispered, "and I'm trying to figure out if that's a good or bad thing." I adjusted and laid my head on my arm, the other played with his tousled bed head. "I still stand by what I said to you about not being able to make you happy, but I guess I'm just selfish right now."

            "Let's not talk about that and just enjoy this." I reminded him and burrowed my head into his naked chest. His arms fell around my back and held me close.

            He kissed my head, "Do you have to work today?"

            "Not until five," I informed him.

            "Good because you're mine until then." He stated firmly.

            I placed a kiss on his chest and thought about how normal and comfortable the entire moment was. I didn't want it to end and my heart ached at the thought. "In that case, I will need a shower."

            His eyes shined with mischief like they did anytime I flirted with him. "Oh yes you will, you dirty girl." He grabbed me roughly and hoisted me up in his arms. I let out a deep laugh as he carried us to the shower.

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