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'I see your plan — use your son to help you propose. Cute.'

Bela glanced at Costin and seemed to catch on as well, turning her attention back to her little sister. "Hey, Dani, can I borrow you for a second?"

"Sure," Daniela muttered, seemingly happy to move away from Hunter.

'Oh, Dani...' My heart ached as I watched the two walk away. 'Hunter does love you, she's just setting up the proposal.'

"It hurts seeing her like this," Hunter sighed and picked up Costin. "Did you get it?"

"Yes, Mommy!" Costin beamed before patting his pocket. "Here! We go change?"

"Yes, we need to get changed. [Y/N], do you mind helping Costin? I don't want to make Dani wait any longer than she has already."

"Of course," I promised with a smile. "Lead the way."

I followed the witch to her room, waiting for her to take out the clothes Costin would wear. Once she did, she set him down and grabbed a dress of her own. Hunter thanked me before slipping into the bathroom to change, letting me shift my attention to Costin. I giggled when I saw him already removing his shirt before walking over to help him, making sure to take out the ring box and set it on the bed.

After Costin was dressed in his little suit, I put the box in his pocket and tapped it, letting him know where the ring was. It wasn't long after that Hunter stepped out of the bathroom, her hair now curled and proudly displaying her white hair. My eyes trailed to her dress and I smiled, bowing my head to her. 'Simple black dress, but cute.'

"Shall we go find Bela and Dani?" I grinned and offered my hand to Costin.

"Yes!" He giggled, bouncing in place. "Mommy! Let's go!"

"I swear," Hunter sighed dramatically as she headed for the door. "You have so much energy as soon as the sun sets."

"Mama says we... chil... chil-children of the night!"

"And they would be correct on that," Hunter smiled, leading us into the hallway. "You're getting better at pronouncing big words."

"Mommy Cass help. And Oma."

"Oma?" I inquired, watching Hunter smile.

"Grandma. It's what he calls Queen Persephone's mother, Demeter. Costin, what do you call Lady Dimitrescu?"


"And what do you call Queen Persephone?"



"Greek is... Kinda built in for demigods, even if we don't know it at first. I discovered I knew Greek when I went to a museum. I knew exactly what the words said, but I had never taken a class to teach me Greek. For Costin, he grows up hearing both English and Greek equally, so they're both his 'first language' so to speak. The German was taught by Isa — and it's only a few words."

"That makes... A bit more sense," I muttered as we headed down the stairs.

Hunter giggled and glanced back at me. "Think of it as Greek being his second language then."

"...How old is he?"


"Five years old and already knows two languages."

Costin squeezed my hand, making me glance down at him. "Gweek easy!"

"What about English?"

He whined after that, earning a giggle from Hunter. "In that aspect, he's like Isa and me. We hate English but for different reasons. Isa hates it because they stuttered a lot — the only reason they don't now is because of a potion they concocted. I hate it because it's the only language my father would let me speak, even after finding out I was a demigod."

"You never talk about him... Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?"

"...He's a horrible man, and he will never meet his grandson. Perses and Hades are his grandfathers."


"Technically, he's my grandfather. A titan. His name means 'destroyer', but there's very little about him known to humans."

"...So, what's he like?" I asked once we stopped outside of the kitchen.

"A story for another time," Hunter promised before picking up Costin. "It's time."

"Go get her."

Hunter smiled before walking into the kitchen — me close behind — and effectively silencing Daniela. Her gold eyes widened and a faint buzzing sound came from her, making me smirk to myself. 'She's so adorable, I'm glad this is finally happening,' I thought to myself while Bela slowly made her way over to me. 'And she doesn't want to take away from the scene.'

Once Hunter was in front of Daniela, she set Costin down and took the vampire's hands in hers, whispering something to her. Whatever she said caused a smile to spread across Daniela's face, and tears to appear in her eyes. Costin reached into his pocket when Hunter placed a hand on his head, making Daniela's eyes flicker to him.

"Dani," Hunter breathed, cupping her cheeks with a smile. "I just have one question for you."

"What is it?" Daniela's voice was strained — a sign she was trying to hold back her tears of joy.

"Costin, do you want to ask with me?"

Costin giggled as Hunter got on one knee, the signal for him to take out the box and open it. "Marry Mommy?!"

"Daniela Dimitrescu, will you marry me?"

'Awe,' I internally cooed while Daniela nodded through her tears. 'She's speechless.'

"Come on," Bela whispered after Hunter slipped the ring on Daniela's finger. "They'll tell the others in the morning."

I nodded and let Bela guide me out of the kitchen, leaning against her as we walked to our room. 'How is she not exhausted? I guess she does have superhuman stamina, but still! She bottomed for most of that!' Once we reached our room, Bela muttered that she'd be right back before she slipped out of the room. I made my way over to the bed with a yawn, crawling into bed and huddling under the blanket.

Before my eyes could shut, Bela returned with medicine and made me sit up. 'Right... For my injury,' I yawned again before taking the medicine and scooting back on the bed, patting the space I had previously been in. 'Now we sleep.' Bela rolled her eyes and smiled, climbing into bed shortly after. I huddled into her with a smile, my arms wrapping around her waist while my eyes fluttered shut.

"Don't you want a 'good night' kiss?"

"Your kisses are cold."

A Cold Kiss [fem!reader x Bela] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now