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Bela giggled and guided me out of the bathroom, stopping near the dresser for something. I smiled when she took out a new collar — a fancier one that went well with the outfit. The vampire set the collar on top of the dresser before moving over to me, slowly unclasping the collar around my neck. I rolled my neck between having a collar on, the feeling of being collarless nearly foreign at this point.

Once I straightened my neck out, Bela put the new collar on me and grabbed a leash, hooking it on a moment later. She slowly dragged her fingers down the leash before wrapping it around her hand, stealing a kiss, and tugging me to the door. I followed her as we walked down the corridor, staying far enough back that the leash was slightly slack between us.

We stopped when we eventually reached the main lounge. 'I should let Bela know we can go on walks during the day, too,' My arms snaked around her waist as the thought crossed my mind. 'I've been comfortable with this for a while — we can go on the day walks again. Especially since people know I belong to her.'

"...Do you-?"

My arms tightened as I buried my face in her neck. "We can do day walks again. I've been meaning to tell you that for a while."

Bela relaxed and leaned into me. "So you have been enjoying the walks."

"Spend more time with you? Have you praise me often? Why wouldn't I enjoy them? The embarrassment came with the whispers and st- I mean," I stopped when an angry buzz left Bela.


"...It was before I started helping your Mother, Isa, and Hunter. The maids don't-!"

"Which maids?"


The vampire turned in my arms, her eyes as cold as her body. "Names. Now."

I looked away and sighed, knowing she wouldn't be happy about the answer. "It won't matter."

"It won't-?!" An angry hiss left Bela as she pulled away, letting my leash go. "I want names!"

"They're dead! They're dead, baby..."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"


Hurt flashed in her eyes before she looked away. "You're shutting down again."

"You're angry," I whispered as she took deep breaths. "I-I know I should've told you-."

"Yeah, you should've. I could've dealt with them!"

"I didn't want you to."

"And why not?!"

"Because I knew you'd start focusing on the maids and what they say rather than focusing on me!" I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. "...I didn't want anything taking your attention away from me while we went on these walks."

"That wasn't your call to make," Bela growled. "You were my pet at the time."

"And now I'm your girlfriend! My plan worked!"

"...We're going back to the room."


"Come on," Bela huffed and started walking in the direction we came. "I'm going to bed."

"Baby," I frowned while following her, gathering my leash in my hand. "Are you seriously mad at me for this?!"

When she didn't respond, I stopped walking and glared at her. "I'm not going back if you're mad at me. I'll sleep in a different room until-."

"Suit yourself," My heart shattered at her cold words. "I'm sleeping in my bed."

I watched her disappear around a corner, chest aching as I headed down a different hall. Once I reached the closest room, I opened the door and slipped inside, locking the door behind me. My legs carried me to the bed after that as I started removing the bolo tie. 'Was I being selfish by not telling her?' Tears filled my eyes after I set the tie on the table. '...I should apologize in the morning — before breakfast, hopefully.'

After removing the collar, I settled on the bed and sighed, staring at the ceiling until sleep welcomed me. When morning came, my heart ached at the lack of Bela behind me. 'It's been so long since I woke up without her near me,' I sat up and grabbed my tie and collar. 'Just need to apologize and move on.' I walked to the door and unlocked it, beginning the path to the dining hall.

Once I reached the dining hall, my eyes landed on Bela, the ache in my chest becoming more intense when she refused to look at me. '...Did I hurt your trust? Is that what this is?' I walked over to her and sat in my chair, cautiously moving my hand to hers. The vampire jerked her hand away, making me drop my gaze to my lap. 'It feels like we're starting over.'

"...Mistress?" Bela's jaw tensed, and I flinched with a whimper. "B-baby?"


Relief washed over me momentarily before I fidgeted with my collar. "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you, okay? I just- I just wanted to spend time with you — without you worrying about something or someone upsetting me."

"Can we talk about this later?" Bela frowned, her eyes falling to the collar in my lap. "You didn't put it back on?"

"...I wasn't sure if you'd want me to. I-."

"I made you overthink everything," She muttered while shaking her head. "Let's discuss this later, please?"

"Fine," I huffed, knowing she was right. 'Her family overhearing more of that would not be fun.'

After breakfast, I followed Bela to our room and sat on my side of our bed, waiting for her to lock the door and join me. Once she did, I reached for her hand again — nearly crying when the vampire let me hold it this time. Bela pulled me in for a hug, a quiet sob leaving one — or both — of us.

"I'm sorry," She muttered and held my head against her neck. "I was upset — thought you didn't tell me because-."

"Baby, I made a promise, remember?" I frowned while tightening my hold on her. "The maids have been dead for a long time now; that's why it doesn't matter what their names are. I should've told you, but it helped us spend more time together — alone. Let us get to know each other. That's what I wanted — what I loved. If I told you the truth, we would return to day walks, and we'd be stuck as 'Mistress and pet,' which is not what I wanted."

Bela was silent momentarily before letting her grip on me loosen, allowing me to pull back and lock eyes with her. "...I got irrationally upset and wouldn't listen to you, Doll. I'm sorry."

"You're still working on it," I whispered and moved my hands to her cheeks. "We're still working on things. Just remember to breathe and talk to me, okay? We promised each other."

"I know, I know," She promised with a light giggle. "...Do you want to spend the day starting the wedding planning?"

"Do you want to spend the day searching for a ring?"

"Isa will make me one once I have a design."

"Oh? Then get to it."

Bela growled and fought back a smile. "Don't boss me around."

I giggled and ghosted my lips over hers, trailing my hand up her thigh. "Hm? I thought you loved it when I do that?"

Mischief and love swirled in her golden eyes. "Only in the bedroom."

"Nice try," I mused and quickly kissed her before pulling back. "Let's save it for our wedding night, yeah?"

"So you will start planning it?"

"You're helping."

A Cold Kiss [fem!reader x Bela] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now