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Warning(s): NSFW/Smut, Fingering

i'll do an epilogue with a longer smut later this week <3 also, for those that haven't heard, i have a new one-shot book out!

I gently squeezed Isa as they pulled back from the hug, a smile on my face while I wiped away their tears. "I cheated death again, like you said I would."

"Let's get you to Bela," Isa sniffled with a smile. "She's with the others. Costin was crying for you earlier too."

"My poor baby," I pouted and followed Isa. "He shouldn't cry."

"He was worried."

"Well, your Mother did say my heart stopped a few times..." Isa's jaw clenched, making me gently nudge them. "But, she and Queen Freyja started my heart again. Feel."

"What?" Isa stopped when I grabbed their hand and placed it on my chest, letting them feel my heartbeat. "...It is still beating... Why?"

"Mother Miranda said the effects could take a few days since we also used magic. At least Bela doesn't have to lose my body heat."

Isa chuckled and dropped their arm to their side, glancing back at the women following us. "...Uh... So-sorry about earlier."

Queen Persephone rolled her eyes before kissing Isa's head, making sparkles come off of them when they smiled. "It's fine, dear. I should've warned you before you came down again."

'Isa's so adorable around their family — especially their Mother. I see why the girls love it when their parents visit.'

Mother Miranda smirked. "Next time, wait until you get confirmation before getting upset."

"Fuck you," Isa hissed, barring their fangs until their Mother pinched their ear.

"Knock it off!"

"Ow! Okay, I'm sorry!" They whined and tried swatting at her hand. "Mom, let go!"

Freyja giggled when Persephone finally let go. "Some things never change. [Y/N], keep an eye on Isa for us, okay? They have a hard time making friends, but they care deeply for you, and now that you're immortal, maybe you can help them keep their temper too."

"Truthfully, this is one of the few times I've seen them lose control," I hummed as we began walking again. "But I will, Queens Freyja and Persephone. It's the least I can do considering what they've done for me."

"If it wasn't for me-"

"If it wasn't for you, the ladies would've killed me a long time ago for something that wasn't my fault," I cut Isa off with a frown. "Stop downplaying what you do around here."

"It's not in their nature to take credit for these things," Queen Persephone giggled. "They'd rather say it was the ladies having a change of heart after hearing the truth than say they helped."

"Mom!" Isa whined, their cheeks glowing. "...You're all embarrassing. I should've sent Hunter."

When we stopped again, the sounds on the other side of the door stopped as well, making me smile. 'They know I'm here,' Flies swarmed out from the cracks in the door before engulfing me, quickly taking the form of Bela as she hugged me tight. 'I'm not going anywhere.' I returned the hug with a smile and buried my face in her neck.

"She survived," Cassandra breathed a sigh of relief. "See, Costin? Auntie's okay."

I shifted my head and opened my eyes, watching Costin wipe away his tears and nod. "Auntie okay."

A Cold Kiss [fem!reader x Bela] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now